Yellow | It's time to decertify?


TB Lurker
In my mind, this is similar to "taxation without representation". We find ourselves put in a position where our "leaders" have agreed to put this proposal to a vote without negotiating any part of it. We pay them, quite well in fact, to represent our best interests. They did not have to let this go through without any negotiation whatsoever, and have shown us once again they do not truly care or represent our best interests. Remember the holdouts of the last MOU that they then forced under the NMFA for daring to exercise their right to vote against Hoffa's recommendation to accept? White paper contracts, and all the years of hard work that went into them torn up. Keep in mind what we are dealing with here. Who do you think is going to win in a "negotiation" even if there really was going to be one, a team of well paid lawyers, or a group of ex truck drivers that think they know more than they really do? I think we have already seen the results of that. So it begs the question, why are we paying these incompetent people and supporting a system that clearly does not work or represent our best interests? Why do you think they have given up on the freight industry and now focus on the bus drivers, and other low paying no benefit jobs? Because it is much less for them to do, while still collecting dues. Why mess with the headache of a pension or healthcare fund, when you can collect dues anyway without it? It's too bad.
In my mind, this is similar to "taxation without representation". We find ourselves put in a position where our "leaders" have agreed to put this proposal to a vote without negotiating any part of it. We pay them, quite well in fact, to represent our best interests. They did not have to let this go through without any negotiation whatsoever, and have shown us once again they do not truly care or represent our best interests. Remember the holdouts of the last MOU that they then forced under the NMFA for daring to exercise their right to vote against Hoffa's recommendation to accept? White paper contracts, and all the years of hard work that went into them torn up. Keep in mind what we are dealing with here. Who do you think is going to win in a "negotiation" even if there really was going to be one, a team of well paid lawyers, or a group of ex truck drivers that think they know more than they really do? I think we have already seen the results of that. So it begs the question, why are we paying these incompetent people and supporting a system that clearly does not work or represent our best interests? Why do you think they have given up on the freight industry and now focus on the bus drivers, and other low paying no benefit jobs? Because it is much less for them to do, while still collecting dues. Why mess with the headache of a pension or healthcare fund, when you can collect dues anyway without it? It's too bad.

I agree that "it is too bad."

Decertification is not an answer.

Electing competent, empathetic, knowledgeable representatives, is.

There are few that are not influenced by the power associated with politics.

If, you were to choose to challenge with a new slate, choose wisely.

BTW, nice first post and welcome to TB.
In my mind, this is similar to "taxation without representation". We find ourselves put in a position where our "leaders" have agreed to put this proposal to a vote without negotiating any part of it. We pay them, quite well in fact, to represent our best interests. They did not have to let this go through without any negotiation whatsoever, and have shown us once again they do not truly care or represent our best interests. Remember the holdouts of the last MOU that they then forced under the NMFA for daring to exercise their right to vote against Hoffa's recommendation to accept? White paper contracts, and all the years of hard work that went into them torn up. Keep in mind what we are dealing with here. Who do you think is going to win in a "negotiation" even if there really was going to be one, a team of well paid lawyers, or a group of ex truck drivers that think they know more than they really do? I think we have already seen the results of that. So it begs the question, why are we paying these incompetent people and supporting a system that clearly does not work or represent our best interests? Why do you think they have given up on the freight industry and now focus on the bus drivers, and other low paying no benefit jobs? Because it is much less for them to do, while still collecting dues. Why mess with the headache of a pension or healthcare fund, when you can collect dues anyway without it? It's too bad.

blame welch not hoffa
I pray for you all to over come this. To work all your life for this company and it come down to this. Well maybe we should all pray.Wow i can't all this is happening.
I pray for you all to over come this. To work all your life for this company and it come down to this. Well maybe we should all pray.Wow i can't all this is happening.

Payer changes things.
Thanks for that badboybill! That maybe the best solution for our dilemma offered to date!
Actually, a loud and clear and unified "NO" would wake up a few people. Yes, I blame Hoffa as he is the one who originally came out with YRC was too big to fail. To survive all had to give up this, forfeit that, etc. Well, here you are again, and YRC wants more. How long before you all fugure out someone is getting their pockets lines, and its not the rank and file. Isnt it time YRC starts giving back what it already took? Good luck.
I whole hardly agree with ya until this line..."Who do you think is going to win in a "negotiation" even if there really was going to be one, a team of well paid lawyers, or a group of ex truck drivers that think they know more than they really do? "
If you will look back at the history of the Teamsters, truck drivers (working men) are exactly who founded and built this union into what it once was but, they had a vested interest and that right there, is the difference.
The IBT and from what I'm seeing, most other Unions in our country are being run like a business, that's to say, from the top down... "Don't worry about this boys, we know whats best for ya" and like most big businesses, even if it goes wrong, they still draw their paycheck and pensions.

Now, if it was to be run from the ground up, like it should be, if the leaderships pay and pensions were tied to the membership they represent, in other words, if the rank and file members got a 5% raise, they got a 5% raise, if they had to take a 15% cut, their pay was cut 15%... If the organizers pay was based on the # of new members brought in... If everyone's pension was in the same "pool".... How fast do ya think things would change.
De-certification at this time would be about the worst thing we could do. We don't need De-certification, we need to get EVERYBODY off their lazy *** & VOTE. I was at my local Union meeting on Dec 8th & asked how the Teamsters could "endorse" this proposal & How they could bring this BS to us to vote on. The letter that was posted at the terminals with the Teamster logo on it, stating the Teamsters endorsed this was a lie & the Teamsters are looking into proceeding legal action AGAINST YRC. As far as the "TERM" paper that was given to the members showing the "concessions", (company says they're not concessions) but that's exactly what they are. The Union had no choice but to give their members this paperwork, this was non-negotiable, & the law forces the Union to supply you with this "TERM" paper. Its not a negotiated contract extension & (according to the company) its NOT a concession, its a "TERM" paper & by law the Union CANNOT stop the company from handing out this "TERM" paper. Now its up to us as Union brothers & sisters whether we want this company to tie the hands of the Union with this "TERM" paper. People PLEASE read this TERM paper & think of the worst scenario the company can do with it & then double it, cause that's exactly what this company is gonna do. We are STILL under contract or MOU until 2015, I say force the company to supply us with information on what happened to the 3.1 BILLION dollars we already gave them in concessions. Tell the company, show us the "guarantee" of the refinancing terms BEFORE we decide on more concessions. If you vote YES on this TERM paper, you have signed your own quit slip. The "National Attendance Policy" alone is a guarantee this company will pick & choose who they want working here. There is NO language of absenteeism or tardiness EVER falling off & it states ALL absentee & tardiness is covered as unexcused. ONLY some committee not yet formed yet decides on your faith & it does NOT state you will have Union representation upon discharge after 2nd suspension. So if a manager has a hard on for you, YOUR HISTORY or they will fire you & delay hearings, grievances & any other form of recourse to get your job back so long, you will run out of unemployment BEFORE you get your job back. Profit sharing is a farce, IF by some miracle this company becomes profitable & you get "close" to those numbers. This company will have a change of ops. or buy new equipment or some natural company disaster will happen & you will NEVER receive this. If you vote YES on this BS, then you are voting to De-certify, cause the company will OWN you. I've given this company WAY to much already to work here, I will be voting NO-NO-NO
Maybe it is time to educate the rest of the membership.. How many ballots were cast in the last general election??? Many people used to tell me it was all about the dues and I always argued with them but I believe they were correct.. It seems the IBT is more involved organizing the local highway garages and school bus drivers.. They have given up on freight..How many even go to the meetings anymore??? Get involved.. or stopped the whining..If you so much want to de-certify I am sure that companies like Fed-Ex and Con-Way will gladly take you on..
They organize public sector because government keeps the jobs funded . Private sectors run ito debt and cash problems.
Yes , Hoffa has been selling out the trucking industry for the past 20 yrs , and letting UPS out of the pension fund !!! what a joke , so yes thinking its maybe time to do that and then the company could match the non-union higher pay scale
Does anyone else think maybe they are doing this without union approval thinking we will run scared and give them what they want. Maybe they are scared of involving the union as if they get a fight from the union maybe the books would be opened and the feds would get involved. Maybe there is something in hidden in those books and they are protecting themselves from jail! Just a thought! Seems funny they are threatening us to vote yes and sending all these big wigs in. I have never seen this done and I have been here almost 40 years. Something has a fowl smell.
Does anyone else think maybe they are doing this without union approval thinking we will run scared and give them what they want. Maybe they are scared of involving the union as if they get a fight from the union maybe the books would be opened and the feds would get involved. Maybe there is something in hidden in those books and they are protecting themselves from jail! Just a thought! Seems funny they are threatening us to vote yes and sending all these big wigs in. I have never seen this done and I have been here almost 40 years. Something has a fowl smell.
it could simply be they've seen the books and know the next choice is worse...
If you so much want to de-certify I am sure that companies like Fed-Ex and Con-Way will gladly take you on..
Yea, the weird thing is - I would end up making more per hour at either place (about $3.50/hr. more at FedEx), and a better retirement check to boot. That's what is so sad about our situation and the state of the Teamsters Union as well. I'd also bet they will be around long after our place closes up. I'm not happy about that, by the way. But lets put the blame where it belongs for our current situation. We were sold out by our own union, plain and simple. You can't blame the company for trying to get what they can, but we can blame the people who get paid to represent us for not even trying. The Teamsters Union is a joke any more. Heck, other companies are probably hoping they get organized, so they can have a lower compensation package.
They organize public sector because government keeps the jobs funded . Private sectors run ito debt and cash problems.
That might be part of it but they also can't pull up roots and leave. That's a big plus.
Yea, the weird thing is - I would end up making more per hour at either place (about $3.50/hr. more at FedEx), and a better retirement check to boot. That's what is so sad about our situation and the state of the Teamsters Union as well. I'd also bet they will be around long after our place closes up. I'm not happy about that, by the way. But lets put the blame where it belongs for our current situation. We were sold out by our own union, plain and simple. You can't blame the company for trying to get what they can, but we can blame the people who get paid to represent us for not even trying. The Teamsters Union is a joke any more. Heck, other companies are probably hoping they get organized, so they can have a lower compensation package.

I think you are missing the facts here. Hoffa told them NO MORE CONCESSIONS. The Company then called for the 2 man meeting and told them to ask US to pressure the IBT to vote on taking these concessions. Its up to the members to stand up and tell them we agree with Hoffa! No more concession packages. If we vote this in, it isn't the IBT that's weak, IT'S US that's weak. You cant blame this crap on the union, they represent US. If we say we want to do something, they represent US. They are not some dictatorship that just does what they want. We are the ones that voted to let YRC quit making pension payments and we voted to take the paycuts.
I just wonder if you can get more money, and better pension, why aren't you already over there at one of those Great **** outfits???? Seriously, what's keeping you here? You can be first in line tomorrow morning? Not trying to give you a hard time. It just gets old hearing everyone blame the IBT and saying how bad the union is. It's the economy, YRC greed and stupidity, and US that made the decision to let them strip our benefits...not once...Three Times....and it's OUR CHOICE on whether we take the fourth concession, If it's a Yes vote, are you gonna blame anybody but US for saying Yes... we want to do the next five years for even less????????? It's up to US, yes or no. It really is that simple. I haven't heard one teamster official say anything good about voting yes.


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