In my mind, this is similar to "taxation without representation". We find ourselves put in a position where our "leaders" have agreed to put this proposal to a vote without negotiating any part of it. We pay them, quite well in fact, to represent our best interests. They did not have to let this go through without any negotiation whatsoever, and have shown us once again they do not truly care or represent our best interests. Remember the holdouts of the last MOU that they then forced under the NMFA for daring to exercise their right to vote against Hoffa's recommendation to accept? White paper contracts, and all the years of hard work that went into them torn up. Keep in mind what we are dealing with here. Who do you think is going to win in a "negotiation" even if there really was going to be one, a team of well paid lawyers, or a group of ex truck drivers that think they know more than they really do? I think we have already seen the results of that. So it begs the question, why are we paying these incompetent people and supporting a system that clearly does not work or represent our best interests? Why do you think they have given up on the freight industry and now focus on the bus drivers, and other low paying no benefit jobs? Because it is much less for them to do, while still collecting dues. Why mess with the headache of a pension or healthcare fund, when you can collect dues anyway without it? It's too bad.