Yellow | James Welch finds new gig

Guess the Schneider driver's will be taking a -15% pay cut & losing weeks vacation soon then !!! you go James beat down them driver's like you did us :cuss:


Schneider will buy us in Bankruptcy after we vote no and spin off whats left of the union drivers into something like Schneider Transport their Union division that they no longer hire for that's the plan baby!

It would keep them out of withdrawal penalties for cspf, they had to put a guy on 10 years ago to schneider transport to avoid those.

It would make sense, Schneider is big and wants to compete with the big boys, on all levels.
Schneider idea sounds the BEST so far and plus rumor has it that Jamie maybe joining him at Schneider too ??
Think about the big pic-plan if WHY Schneider hired James Welch and nice looking Day cabs & Schneider maybe a good buyout-merger to turn things around , remember never say never , cause look back at history of buyouts & mergers :heykoolaid: