Off-Topic Joke Thread

We have one of those "smart" TV's in our bedroom and it is about ten years old.. Started having problems with the power cord connection and TV was shutting off and on by itself.. Just out of luck I smacked it like an old TV and sucker has been working ever since..
You know Crazy, even when your TV is "Off" it probably isn't really off and it still may be watching you. You should probably hang a towel or something in front of the screen just to be sure! :hysterical: :438::hilarious:
I think I'm going to make lots of copies of this article and hand them out to the women I know. :438:

Study makes frightening find about women who don't have sex often.
Women who rarely have sex may not only suffer a bit from pent up tensions but they could be heading to an early grave, a new study suggests.
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