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I still don't get it.
It was a cold windy night when General George Washington crossed the Delaware River.
He and 32 men in his boat started across when a huge wave knocked Cpl. Joe Dix from the bow.
He had been stationed on the bow with a lantern to help find their way in the fog.
They searched in vain but never recovered his body.
When they reached the other side, walking through the woods they discovered a Bordello, (house of horizontal refreshment).
The general knocked on the door and the madam answered, may I help you?
Washington said, mam, we just crossed the river, my men are exhausted and cold, they need rest and comfort.
She said you came to the right place, how many are you?
George answered 33, NO WAIT, there's 32 without Dix.
The madam replied, "you're kidding me!"