FedEx Freight | Joliet,Il drop yard?????????????


TB Lurker
Does anyone know if they are runing freight through the joliet drop yard?

Also do they plan on puting drivers on there? Or do they plan on staffing it out of lyons or schuamburg,il terminals?

Thanks for any info!!!!!!!!!!
Last summer we had the Head of HR vist our terminal. We talked about the new relay terminals and he was proud of how the relay sights (Sidney and Holdbrook and Shamrock) ran with out a on site manager. Said that they were building new relay sites as fast as he could He told us at that time that Sch would be moved down to Joliet. I thought this had happened at the last bid. He told us that (I think) there were 3 drivers already there and asked us what we thought would be fair as to the senority board in the new joliet yard. We told him since he was moving the whole line department down there that the senority board should be the same as in sch. Its suppose to be part of the 80 corridor to HRB. Thats all i know LOL
Yes they are running freight through there. Many of the run in Aurora NE meet Joliet in Newton IA. I don't know if they are going to hire for that location or not. You just need to keep checking the to see updates in hiring.
Just wondering if anybody else has been through joliet lately? Or if they are just using contractors? Thanks..
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