Herein lies the problem, "Some barns do it different". Setting aside the few that have one bid list, we all are covered by the same contract, same language, and same procedures. I have read and reread our contract again and it is reasonably clear on the way it should be done. First thing is "bump and roll" is to be done by the Steward, interested in how many have been directly involved in that. It seems clear that classification seniority trumps company seniority IMHO. A lower seniority, let's say a road driver can't be "bumped" by a higher seniority R Dr. with less classification seniority if there are junior employees in other classifications still working. They can either accept a lay-off or bump a junior driver/dock CDL. This should not even be an issue, but how many managers know the contract, or for that matter care. They will do whatever they can in their "quest for the numbers", and the better part of our Union Leaders don't understand Freight, there are exceptions I am sure. Our grievance system is broken, the Company knows it will be months, maybe years before it will wind its way through the process, a great example is contractors, clear language but it has been challenged for over 12 years and seems to be getting worse. The Company will drag them out and if they eventually lose will say, "sorry" and just pay a small percentage of what they have saved. Whoever in this company thinks management is their friend is dead wrong. We need to stand together, speak out when you see a wrong, file, file , file grievances, work with your Steward, call the Local, follow-up on your complaints, and join the Union if you haven't yet.
Be safe, work safe, live safe Brothers and sisters...………...