XPO | Life after Conway

[quote author=TiredDvrsWife link=topic=79394.msg823447#msg823447 date=1271857729]
The Review has become a joke, they rarely side with the driver no matter how many years he has in the company. Was a time you could actually talk to them and explain what happened and they would take all information into account. Now it's a kangeroo court.

That was back in the day when 'commitment' and 'excellence' actually meant something...not just words constantly repeated in video after video attempting to indoctrinate the average employee in to believing the propaganda the Palace feels is necessary to keep the peeps motivated.

This organization does seem to have some good ideas...the e-track system...the handhelds...new trucks...and the like.

All these things will have some benefits and an ROI that should be on the positive side.

Where this company is failing miserably is in its handling of the rank and file...the average Joe is just trying to do their damndest to accomodate the daily job requirements laid at their feet...

Nothing is ever good enough.

Its constantly more...more...more.

Then when something goes awry...its adios.

It is a sad and pathetic commentary on the state of the company's view of their people...and we are just that...people...not numbers...and we all are subject to mistakes.

It is obvious from Longtimeltlt's experience that the only thing this company has in place is some machine blindly and without consideration following an idiotic mechanism that de-personalizes the individual.

This is not leadership...nor is it excellence...it is stupidity.

When any organization takes on the positition of being an employer there are responsibilties...not only from the employee...but also from the employer...who holds all the cards...they are the ones who have the say in the employees continuity or lack thereof...and it isn't a charge that should come lightly...and this is something in which Con-Way fails miserably.

Yes...Dougie...John...and the BOD may be selling a bill of goods to the public with all the safety award nonsense... the culture crap...and this weeks dog and pony show...but as I said...internally this company is a disaster...

Remember when Fatbeard just couldn't wait to get rid of the service excellence patches on the old CCX uniforms...it was just a prelude of things to come. No recognition...no honor...no respect...just the notion everyone was equal regardless of service and expertise.

They can throw all the money they possess at improving this company...and for a time it will be effective...but it won't last.

It is the people that makes this company what it is...and it isn't one person...not John...not Doug...nor the BOD...it is a team effort...live or die.

Scanners...e-track systems...and new trucks don't make a company...its the people.

And it is a damn shame this company refuses to acknowledge this very true and essential fact.

I have seen several drivers come back from the dead after being terminated. It does happen. I also know two drivers that got caught stealing time and both are still with the company. You definitely got the shaft.Time served should count for something.Good Luck
[quote author=longtimeltl link=topic=79394.msg823662#msg823662 date=1271902614]
[quote author=bigfoot077 link=topic=79394.msg823649#msg823649 date=1271901479]
[quote author=longtimeltl link=topic=79394.msg823644#msg823644 date=1271901134]
[quote author=bigfoot077 link=topic=79394.msg823633#msg823633 date=1271900642]
I just want to say that I am not siding with one or the other.

When it comes to knowing what went on behind the scenes, you can't assume. I stand up for employees when they come to me with a problem. If they have a valid complaint I will fight for them. I have got egg on my face for it in the past but I will stand up for everyone. Some guys make a good story until you hear the other side. Just don't be to quick to assume.

As for the employee termination board. I have heard about it and have seen guys come back to work because of the results. Again, we don't know who is on the board so we can't assume "they are out to get employee". Guys have come back even with the disgust of the SCM.

Now, I don't drink the koolaid and I am not defending the company. All I am saying is that you can't pass judgment until you know both sides of the story.

Man, I am going to catch some crap for this. :bash:

077, Great post, I could not have said it better myself!
The only thing I miss after departing Conway is people like you who are not afraid to stir the pot with a dose of truth!
I have stated my case, and accepted the consequences, there IS life after Conway!

I am happy that things worked out for you. I am 50 and well, I know where you are coming from. I am on a 12 hour a day run and have an hour commute each direction. Sometimes I too become overwhelmed with all the time away from the house. Sometimes I spend all of my weekend catching up with things that didn't get done during the week just so I can get up on Monday and do it all over again.

Hope your internet business does you good and all things work out. Enjoy your time "after Conway". :thumbsup:

077, How do you and all of the others do what you do and work a 60 hour per week job?
I cannot even fathom how I juggled all of the stuff I did while working.
The bottom line truth is: I gave Conway 100% almost all the time for 22 years. I gave 110% the rest of the time.
I believe that most Conway Drivers do the same.
I am not speaking for the "new breed" of Conway Drivers.
We are getting "Yellow" freight.....that ain't good freight
We are spending more $ handling freight, and less time "moving" freight.
To all of you earning a good check, PAY OFF your debt!
Break the bonds of the Mother Company, you will be OK!
excuse me i am from yellow freight, and now i am at conway, and i work circles around most of the morons here. i busted my ass at cf, to pay conways fuel bills, and i have busted my ass ever since. i have more freight knowledge in my pinky finger than most of conways fos,s do thank you :rant: :chairshot: :hissy: :poke:
[quote author=angry lcp link=topic=79394.msg823722#msg823722 date=1271914789]
excuse me i am from yellow freight, and now i am at conway, and i work circles around most of the morons here. i busted my ass at cf, to pay conways fuel bills, and i have busted my ass ever since. i have more freight knowledge in my pinky finger than most of conways fos,s do thank you :rant: :chairshot: :hissy: :poke:

I believe he is talking about yellow's freight - not former yellow freight people. Definitely an increase in fingerprint freight and junk freight in general over the last year.
[quote author=jakebrake12 link=topic=79394.msg823768#msg823768 date=1271943692]
[quote author=angry lcp link=topic=79394.msg823722#msg823722 date=1271914789]
excuse me i am from yellow freight, and now i am at conway, and i work circles around most of the morons here. i busted my ass at cf, to pay conways fuel bills, and i have busted my ass ever since. i have more freight knowledge in my pinky finger than most of conways fos,s do thank you :rant: :chairshot: :hissy: :poke:

I believe he is talking about yellow's freight - not former yellow freight people. Definitely an increase in fingerprint freight and junk freight in general over the last year.

That is correct, nothing against the People at YRC.
[quote author=Rat link=topic=79394.msg823389#msg823389 date=1271824441]
[quote author=ranger309 link=topic=79394.msg823103#msg823103 date=1271733610]
As many of you know, I was relieved of duty at Conway last fall. Guess what? It was not the end of the world! In reality, it has been the beginning of a whole new world.
My wife says that I am about 100% better to live with since departing Conway!
I did not leave voluntarily, but I did not lie to keep my job.
I made a 22 minute mistake which cost me a good paying 20 plus year job.
My Bad!
NO, I am actually glad.
The current Employee Termination Review Board is nothing like the old days at CCX.
They are a group of stuffed shirts that want you to grovel and cry to try and get your job back.
They told me that I did not sound remorseful!
I was not remorseful!!!
I made a mistake, pure and simple.
I did not lie about it or try to cover up.
From early in life I was taught to admit your mistakes, learn the lesson and move forward.
Apparently the NEW Conway management has never made any mistakes (Gag, snort, and puke )

To my Conway friends, I miss you very much!
You probably do not miss my Bitcning.
To everybody else, no matter where you work: Pay a little extra each month on your house payment, you will be suprised how much $50.00 per month will knock down the length of your mortgage.
Losing my JOB at Conway was devistating at first, but turned out to be a God send in the end.
I wish that I would have had the Kaahonnies to walk away voluntarily.
To my Conway friends, and you know who you are, stay the course and stay in touch
Your Friend, longtimeltl.

Its said that when one door closes another opens. I am proud to say " screw you" to two managers after I sold our business and became a company driver. I never regretted it at all. I would never fit in at CWX, needless to say.

Best thing that happened to you was getting canned from Conway. Good luck, driver!
Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk

I find the whole thing with Longtimeltl quite disturbing...

I don't know the person...we've never met...and I have no idea what this person's relationship with his/hers supervisors may have been....nor do I have any clue about this person's work ethic/record...

With that out of the way...

A person with 20 years in this company had to be doing something right. Especially back in the day when we were manged by people that actually understood the trucking business...truck drivers...and how to move freight. Under the old leadership you either were part of the solution or...adios!...it was that simple...we all knew it and respected it.

Twenty years of service should have carried some weight...and garnered some respect from those in charge.

This is not an easy job...not overly taxing in most repects...just not easy...as we are required to know and act upon many things.

In the course of 20 yerars one would have gained invaluable knowledge...expertise...and abilities not easily replaced. And should have at least been veiwed as such.

As I said I do not know this person...but for the sake of argument...given the 20 years...I would have to say they were of the 'right stuff' to be employed by Con-Way...

This person made mention of the Employee Termination Review Board...didn't know we had one...and evidently it is staffed with managers...people who haven't a clue as to what our job duties entail...I have said this before...and it is still true. These 'managers' are not about to side with a driver or any other employee against one of their 'own'...unless the termination was so blatantly incorrect that legal action may ensue. That is what this review board is all about...its obvious...why would it exist otherwise?

I am assuming the '22 minutes' was a stealing time issue...may or may not have been a mistake...I do not know.

And this individual may be guilty as charged...with that being said...is termination the right way to go?

Throw away 20 years of service...safety...integrity...committment...and excellence...as a result of some unfortunate infraction...intentional or otherwise?

Even if guilty as charged there are other more intelleigent ways to handle these kinds of incidents without throwing the offending employee out the door...other punitive measures that may have better served the purpose...kept a 20 year person...and perhaps gotten a better employee out of the deal.

Of course...all this is just conjecture on my part...

But from what I have witnessed over the last several years...under our current leadership (or lack thereof) your service history means nothing...its only what you can do for them at the moment. They demand loyalty as a condition of employment...yet are reluctant to return same to those employed.

Lontimeltl may be guilty as sin...or as innocent as a newborn...or anything in between...

However I find it very unnerving that an employee of 20 years service is terminated for '22 minutes'...

Regardless of the guilt/innocence issue...the termination says volumes of what this 'finely' managed and progressive company has become....

Then there will be the kool-aid drinkers who will come forth with all the rules infraction nonsense...and what a great place this is to work...and the wonderful almighty paycheck...

But remember this...any of us at any time is subject to an unpublished set of rules that are situationally applied...and any one of us may be in this person's shoes without recourse.

This gives the thinking person something to ponder...what do they think you are worth?...especially as we are once again forced to endure the annual KTDA dog and pony show...listening to the mind boggling the culture speech...and how other companies are interested in our model...(what is that I smell???...Oh yeah...that would be BS!)...

Dougie may be snowballing the public and getting away with it...but internally this company is a mess.

Does our years of service actually mean anything?...

I doubt it.

Longtime, we've shared a lot of good times and bad, laughed a lot, broke bread and became good friends. I still can't believe what happened. May your glass always be full and may your set roll far away from Con-Way. Good luck to you and say hi to your better half for me. Just take it easy if you decide to settle down south of that imaginary line. There a different breed of people down there. Love ya like a brother and your camper is welcome in AJ anytime. :thumbsup:
[quote author=angry lcp link=topic=79394.msg823722#msg823722 date=1271914789]
excuse me i am from yellow freight, and now i am at conway, and i work circles around most of the morons here. i busted my ass at cf, to pay conways fuel bills, and i have busted my ass ever since. i have more freight knowledge in my pinky finger than most of conways fos,s do thank you :rant: :chairshot: :hissy: :poke:
[/quote]Your right, they hire people that don't know anything about freight....drivers and FOS's. That's why there are so many damage claims.
[quote author=radman link=topic=79394.msg823719#msg823719 date=1271913138]
I have seen several drivers come back from the dead after being terminated. It does happen. I also know two drivers that got caught stealing time and both are still with the company. You definitely got the shaft.Time served should count for something.Good Luck
[/quote]You are absolutely right. Don't burn all of your bridges...you just might need someone on your side when your time comes.
[quote author=Waterskier link=topic=79394.msg823961#msg823961 date=1272005273]
Longtime, we've shared a lot of good times and bad, laughed a lot, broke bread and became good friends. I still can't believe what happened. May your glass always be full and may your set roll far away from Con-Way. Good luck to you and say hi to your better half for me. Just take it easy if you decide to settle down south of that imaginary line. There a different breed of people down there. Love ya like a brother and your camper is welcome in AJ anytime. :thumbsup:
Send me a line if you have my e-mail, if not I know I have yours somewhere.
We are tentatively planning for the spring of '11 trip. Longtimeltl.
[quote author=companyclown link=topic=79394.msg824007#msg824007 date=1272032901]
Ever wonder if promotions are handed out based on number of terminations executed?????

Seems to be the case with Tim S.

Just jumped on here to see what you guys in the field are talking about. Saw this about life after conway.
Well, you are right. It doesn't matter how long you have been with conway, how good you have done your job, how many times you get one of those great Star cards. We finally got our date that is written in stone, IT and all of operations will be gone on Sept 13. Main Frame going to Panama, service desk will be going to Bangalore India. Network to Kuala Lumpur and DR to Littleton, Ma. Least that will still be in the states. We have employee's that have been with this company since it was CF some have been here almost 40 yrs and are now gone. Dougie and Jackie said they never promised a lifetime job. Most of us are just about ready for retirement in 2-4 years but not right now. But I am looking on the bright side of all of this, no more calls waking me up. No more having to cover a night shift. Thank God for my western states pension, the company pension at 65 will just be 197 a month, at 62 123, won't cover my retiree medical but it will help. All in all, I will miss working, miss the people I work with and feel like I am losing a part of my family. But I will find many things to catch up on and not have to do them all on the weekend. Now I just will have to find some old man to keep me company and watch the grass grow. :banana:
[quote author=cameogirl link=topic=79394.msg826648#msg826648 date=1272885904]
Just jumped on here to see what you guys in the field are talking about. Saw this about life after conway.
Well, you are right. It doesn't matter how long you have been with conway, how good you have done your job, how many times you get one of those great Star cards. We finally got our date that is written in stone, IT and all of operations will be gone on Sept 13. Main Frame going to Panama, service desk will be going to Bangalore India. Network to Kuala Lumpur and DR to Littleton, Ma. Least that will still be in the states. We have employee's that have been with this company since it was CF some have been here almost 40 yrs and are now gone. Dougie and Jackie said they never promised a lifetime job. Most of us are just about ready for retirement in 2-4 years but not right now. But I am looking on the bright side of all of this, no more calls waking me up. No more having to cover a night shift. Thank God for my western states pension, the company pension at 65 will just be 197 a month, at 62 123, won't cover my retiree medical but it will help. All in all, I will miss working, miss the people I work with and feel like I am losing a part of my family. But I will find many things to catch up on and not have to do them all on the weekend. Now I just will have to find some old man to keep me company and watch the grass grow. :banana:

Sorry to hear about the forced retirement. I know that things don't always work out for us and well, to lose your job because it went over seas, that just sucks. It is one thing if the company relocates and you choose not to go but this out sourcing to other countries really sucks. Makes me look twice and think about what the little American flag that they have on the drivers doors of all our equipment really means. I guess it is just a show. So much for creating jobs in America.

As for the request for an old man to help you watch the grass grow, well, I am not quite old enough to sit around and watch grass grow because I know that it means that it has to be mowed.

Good luck with your retirement and hope you can enjoy life and find your old man that likes to watch grass grow. :thumbsup:
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