.6608 mile start, top rate .7125 after 6 months. Free health insurance for employee and dependents, the only exception being a working spouse with health insurance available through their employer and that employer contributes to towards the premium. Vacation is based on previous year’s earnings, when you get your first week depends on what time of year you are hired. I forget how it works but you’ll get two weeks early on then 3,4,5 weeks after 10,15, 20 years respectively. While 10 years is a long time to wait for a 3rd week, they do offer a nice option of a “Plan B”. Anyone eligible for least 2 weeks can choose to take an additional week with your vacation pay divided evenly over all of the weeks off. For example, if your vacation pay was $1500 p/wk and you were eligible for 2 weeks, that $3000 would be divided over the 3 weeks and you would receive $1000 p/wk vacation pay. The only stipulation is that 5 days must be taken by April 30th. Feel free to post any questions, this board has been pretty busy lately so you should get a reply fairly quick.