Estes | Looks like one of our boys shut down another toll road

big e must have had 2 accidents yesterday on the indiana toll road because there was also a long box out in the corn field at the 67 mm on the westbound side at about 10 am when i went by, maybe these drivers need to know when to say enough i am tired, or maybe they need to take their a** home to bed instead of to that second job they took back when things were slow, & refuse to give up now because they don't trust the company they work for, because they have seen the company's true colors for the last year & a half & they cannot trust them to treat them right if things turn bad ever again
After working for Con-Way, and now Estes, I'm HAPPY to be with Estes because I still have my same hourly wages! Con-Way shut down our local terminal, wanted us to all commute an extra hour to the next closest terminal, "crushed" our benefits AND cut our wages! True, Estes does have an.......odd way of running thing's, but at least we're still running and getting good pay! I chose personally NOT to do Line Haul, but I can tell ya they work our a**'s off doing PND, definitely not a job for the weak!
big e must have had 2 accidents yesterday on the indiana toll road because there was also a long box out in the corn field at the 67 mm on the westbound side at about 10 am when i went by, maybe these drivers need to know when to say enough i am tired, or maybe they need to take their a** home to bed instead of to that second job they took back when things were slow, & refuse to give up now because they don't trust the company they work for, because they have seen the company's true colors for the last year & a half & they cannot trust them to treat them right if things turn bad ever again

Maybe you should not speak till you know what happened, both of these drivers thought they seen a Deer in front of them and swerved to miss and over corrected and well the rest of the story is what it is.

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