Reddaway | major layoff in northwest

I must admit it was a major lay off. Since there was around 140 people working at the terminal I was at. I was number 90 on the senority list, and was layed off after 13 years. Quess a major lay off is what it was. But, since Yellow purchased Reddaway they have been bleeding it dry. They took our accounts, and was not allowed to compete with Yellow for accounts (as per sales reps) even though we were seperate from Yellow. When I was there we were making money, while Yellow lost it,and they was staying afloat by taking from Reddaway. But, quess that is what the parent company does.

Don't feel like the lone ranger.... they have done the same thing to Holland and other companies..... it sucks. There is nothing you can do about it but move on with a positive attitude.... you will lead a happier and healthier life.
Appreciate the comment, and you are right you have to look for the next opportunity. I was making the statement because I felt others should know before venturing into the Reddaway abyss. It was a great company to work for, before Yellow, and maybe it will be again. Although I personally feel they will eventually go the way of Roadway and cease to exist. Anyway, I have moved on and are not looking back. Thanks for the advice.
Yes, YRC has a history of milking the smaller companies for there greed and trying to take there freight customers.
Look at there past and it tells the whole story of all the companies it has tryed to destroy.

YRC on the road back to basics -
This article gives me some hope that the new management team at YRC will let us get back to being Reddaway. James Welch seems to have the right idea, keep YRC hands off of the regional decisions.