They are comparing this select plan to the lowest end Insurance plan that was available (old flex plan) Most of us have high end Insurance plans. You will need to compare this UPS select plan to what you currently have in order to see how you will make out. Under the new UPS select plan, After you pay $3000.00 per year out of pocket, The plan pays 100% If you have a high end plan like I do, United Health care/Harvard Pilgrim The cost of this new UPS select plan will only be half the amount of what you pay now per month. The BIG question, How much will you use this new UPS select plan? What kind of health care does your family require? This new UPS select plan could end up costing you twice as much as your current plan. The way I see it. The only way you will save under this new select plan is if you do not use the plan very often.