My Best Buddy Rusty Died Today 07/09/02-04/01/15

Thanks for the kind thoughts, well wishes, and condolences guys, that means a lot in times like this. They say that time heals everything, but it sure hasn't helped much at this point.

Last night while preparing dinner, my wife let out an unusual gasp followed by a loud whine. I jumped out of the chair to see what happened and she explained that per her normal routine, when adding pepperoni slices to the salad, she always handed Max a few slices because he would always be waiting patiently at her feet. And when she pulled out a few slices for him, he wasn't there.

These things kill me.

Thanks again though.
Thanks for the kind thoughts, well wishes, and condolences guys, that means a lot in times like this. They say that time heals everything, but it sure hasn't helped much at this point.

Last night while preparing dinner, my wife let out an unusual gasp followed by a loud whine. I jumped out of the chair to see what happened and she explained that per her normal routine, when adding pepperoni slices to the salad, she always handed Max a few slices because he would always be waiting patiently at her feet. And when she pulled out a few slices for him, he wasn't there.

These things kill me.

Thanks again though.

After 16 years of always being there it's hard. Mine was 18 when she passed. She had trouble with stairs the last couple years so I built her a handicap ramp to the back door. She'd always be at the door when I came home at around 4am. Things like that hit hard. Sounds like your little guy lived like a king.
We have quite an assortment in our little cemetery.
After 16 years of always being there it's hard. Mine was 18 when she passed. She had trouble with stairs the last couple years so I built her a handicap ramp to the back door. She'd always be at the door when I came home at around 4am. Things like that hit hard. Sounds like your little guy lived like a king.
Ya, he was a good old boy and he was having trouble with the steps too. His bathroom breaks required going up and down three steps and because the pads of his feet had become smooth and slippery, and for the past few weeks due to his legs becoming so weak, we were carrying him up and down them to be sure he didn't fall.
One thing that your girl being 18 and my buddy being 16, we must have taken good care of them and were also lucky, and fortunate to have them so long.
It sure is strange around the house after they are gone. It's amazing to see how much impact they had on our daily lives.
Ya, he was a good old boy and he was having trouble with the steps too. His bathroom breaks required going up and down three steps and because the pads of his feet had become smooth and slippery, and for the past few weeks due to his legs becoming so weak, we were carrying him up and down them to be sure he didn't fall.
One thing that your girl being 18 and my buddy being 16, we must have taken good care of them and were also lucky, and fortunate to have them so long.
It sure is strange around the house after they are gone. It's amazing to see how much impact they had on our daily lives.

We put down our Llasa Opsa after 17 yrs, I called him the (dog from hell)
You sure miss them after they're gone.
Truly a man’s best friend ,loyal and always there for you.When you need them.I’am sorry for your loss.You will always have your memories ,They will never fade.
Not mine, we had a Lhasa Apso for 17 yrs, truly the (dog from hell)
My wife promised if I would bear with it till the end, we would not get another one.
We had it put down at 17 yrs, it was hard to lose, but when she's not looking, I pee on his tombstone.
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