ABF | New Bethlehem PA terminal

I cant wait until 063. Moves out of the Hood. And :::shit:::ting conditions terminal. To the larger and nicer area and terminal.. The Holland terminal of Journal St.
I know this thread began as “Bethlehem, Pa” but I’ll just say the old Holland terminal on Journal St. is a nice one. Big yard, big driver’s break room, big bathroom, etc, etc.. I made probably over 100 trips into there with my 28 1/2 yrs. with Holland.
I know this thread began as “Bethlehem, Pa” but I’ll just say the old Holland terminal on Journal St. is a nice one. Big yard, big driver’s break room, big bathroom, etc, etc.. I made probably over 100 trips into there with my 28 1/2 yrs. with Holland.
The same with me... But only 21 years....

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