XPO | New hire insurance

This company sucks. I read this a few days ago but didn't really think about it.

Does anyone else feel like its hard to find out the rules and regulations here. Tell me this **** before I invest 3-4 weeks going thru the application process and another 2 months working.

beerfd, how the heck are you blaming Obamacare for the bullshit these guys are shoveling?

What type of company pays weekly two weeks behind? If you get fired on Thursday before you get you paycheck and they decide to not pay you, you've worked 3 weeks for free. I've never heard of this ****.

What type of company makes you wait 1 year before you can get on a decent health care plan? I've never heard of this, 90 days okay but 1 year. Did they make up this bullshit plan to screw us, $10,000 limit are you guys insane? Why the **** has no one said this **** before. Cadillac plan my ass!

Let me ask you this, whats the retention rate at Conway? How many people do they lose in their first year?

You think they haven't run the numbers! Let's say they let go 25% of the workforce during the first year. It could be for accidents (they have insurance anyway) but it could also be for lateness. Say 20% of those firings are for people being late or absent. They ****ing have a flex board anyway to cover absences where they can demand you to be at work within an hour. So the company really isn't getting hurt by those tardy drivers. They looked at turnover vs. accident payouts vs. benefits paid and came out with lets give them **** benefits the first year and fire a certain percentage of the workforce each year. And who gives a **** about claims, lets get safe-trac. And they put part-time dockworkers on the dock and pay them no benefits at all.

If it wasn't for workers comp I wouldn't even go into work tonight. And some of you scream how these social welfare programs aren't necessary, its ****ing companies like this that make it necessary.
This company sucks. I read this a few days ago but didn't really think about it.

Does anyone else feel like its hard to find out the rules and regulations here. Tell me this **** before I invest 3-4 weeks going thru the application process and another 2 months working.

beerfd, how the heck are you blaming Obamacare for the bullshit these guys are shoveling?

What type of company pays weekly two weeks behind? If you get fired on Thursday before you get you paycheck and they decide to not pay you, you've worked 3 weeks for free. I've never heard of this ****.

What type of company makes you wait 1 year before you can get on a decent health care plan? I've never heard of this, 90 days okay but 1 year. Did they make up this bullshit plan to screw us, $10,000 limit are you guys insane? Why the **** has no one said this **** before. Cadillac plan my ass!

Let me ask you this, whats the retention rate at Conway? How many people do they lose in their first year?

You think they haven't run the numbers! Let's say they let go 25% of the workforce during the first year. It could be for accidents (they have insurance anyway) but it could also be for lateness. Say 20% of those firings are for people being late or absent. They ****ing have a flex board anyway to cover absences where they can demand you to be at work within an hour. So the company really isn't getting hurt by those tardy drivers. They looked at turnover vs. accident payouts vs. benefits paid and came out with lets give them **** benefits the first year and fire a certain percentage of the workforce each year. And who gives a **** about claims, lets get safe-trac. And they put part-time dockworkers on the dock and pay them no benefits at all.

If it wasn't for workers comp I wouldn't even go into work tonight. And some of you scream how these social welfare programs aren't necessary, its ****ing companies like this that make it necessary.

Hea Rat, now thats a rant!!!!!! Seriously man, I think you answered it in one of your questions. Turnover rate. I know of alot of drivers looking else where for work. I don't know if the above you say is true but did you read the threads on the old board? There is alot of B.S. from upper management going on with the company and I don't think anyone can keep track of the benifits package for a new hire. It's just not posted anywhere and if you ask you could never get a straight answer anyway.
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I wish the bleaps were left out so I didnt have to guess what cuss words were used.
1. shi*..........* = t
2. shi*..........* = t
3. #uck.........# = f
4. shi*..........* = t
5. #ucking......# = f
6. shi*............* = t
7. shi*.............* = t
8. #ucking........# = f

let me know if there is anything else i can do for ya......

xtra credit ....bullshit was able to pass. that shoud have been @%^^*&^*
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This company sucks. I read this a few days ago but didn't really think about it.

Does anyone else feel like its hard to find out the rules and regulations here. Tell me this **** before I invest 3-4 weeks going thru the application process and another 2 months working.

beerfd, how the heck are you blaming Obamacare for the bullshit these guys are shoveling?

What type of company pays weekly two weeks behind? If you get fired on Thursday before you get you paycheck and they decide to not pay you, you've worked 3 weeks for free. I've never heard of this ****.

What type of company makes you wait 1 year before you can get on a decent health care plan? I've never heard of this, 90 days okay but 1 year. Did they make up this bullshit plan to screw us, $10,000 limit are you guys insane? Why the **** has no one said this **** before. Cadillac plan my ass!

Let me ask you this, whats the retention rate at Conway? How many people do they lose in their first year?

You think they haven't run the numbers! Let's say they let go 25% of the workforce during the first year. It could be for accidents (they have insurance anyway) but it could also be for lateness. Say 20% of those firings are for people being late or absent. They ****ing have a flex board anyway to cover absences where they can demand you to be at work within an hour. So the company really isn't getting hurt by those tardy drivers. They looked at turnover vs. accident payouts vs. benefits paid and came out with lets give them **** benefits the first year and fire a certain percentage of the workforce each year. And who gives a **** about claims, lets get safe-trac. And they put part-time dockworkers on the dock and pay them no benefits at all.

If it wasn't for workers comp I wouldn't even go into work tonight. And some of you scream how these social welfare programs aren't necessary, its ****ing companies like this that make it necessary.

you are right on with most of your post except for the Obama and social welfare crap. Now we don't really have a "cadillac" plan but dorkbama opened the door for companies to further screw their employees with that kind of socialist/communist bull crap. And where does a company screwing over it's employees constitute social welfare programs? I work so I don't need social welfare programs and when/if Conway makes me mad enough to leave (almost there) I will go on my own free will and find another job before I leave. You can stick Obama and his "social welfare programs" up your *** driver! I don't need the government to take care of me, if need be I'll shoot a few deer and scale a few fish before that happens. If "social welfare programs" are so great then why are all the European countries now trying to get away from them after going broke funding them? If you wanna be a socialist/communist go to Cuba, China, France.... and see how GREAT it is brother cuz let me tell ya I have French freinds from back in high school that were here on exchange student programs and they have told how small living quarters are, and how little money they all have over there, and how much it truly sux compared to what we have. so blankity blank blank on your blanking "social welfare programs" now get back to work and quit yer b***hing. And no I am not a company suck ass but people that want a handout for nothing pi** me off ya lazy a**!:1904::chairshot::1904:
Do you even work for Conway? Have you ever been on a dock? Have you actually ever worked hard on a dock? Doesn't sound like it. I'm suspect of some you that your either management or don't even work for the Conway. Some of you have Limbaugh so far up your ass you can't see this company screwing you. Blame Obama for health care reform (which starts in 2014) and turn a blind eye while the company continues to **** you or your fellow new workers. And your line is, I don't want to pay for someone else, well Conway has it so your not even paying for yourself because you don't even have health care.

What, I'm supposed to work for them from day one but they don't get to show up as a company until after a year? Is this Mexico? Every night I try to dodge forklifts, plywood, hazmat, avoid getting crap in my eyes, deal with the heat/cold with no complaints because its my job. No one is forcing me to do this and I show up to work. But it pisses me off that Conway doesn't show up to protect its employees and then tries to hide it from us. Oh they'll give you insurance, they just forgot to mention the $10k limit the first year, should have read the fine print while I was coughing up that dust that looks like it came from that hazmat shipment I just moved. I can't image what it feels like to have put in 15 years and get buttf'ed by a company. I can understand now what some of you guys are talking about and I've only been involved for 3 months.

And some of you really sound like management. Probably came onto this site, saw the Obama hate and said, why don't we tell these drivers its Obama's fault, they're just stupid truck drivers anyway. 40mil increase, right!(which I still haven't seen the video for). And some of you fell for it, don't have a clue what the health care reform is or how it would affect you but someone on the board said Conway said its costing the company 40mil and Limbaugh said so I'll just believe that and won't investigate anymore.

So rattlehead you go head, you keep trucking and if you get hit by a forklift or drunk driver tonight are you going to use the social welfare workers comp or are you going to go into the forest and heal your broken limbs yourself.
kimoyo your an idiot. and yes I have been in the ltl biz for over 20 years, and yes I have been on those cold/hot docks, and yes I do work for Conway but only for 6 mnths, and yes they do suck as a company. your line "And your line is, I don't want to pay for someone else, well Conway has it so your not even paying for yourself because you don't even have health care." makes no sense at all I am paying for myself, isn't that what your bitching about? and your line "So rattlehead you go head, you keep trucking and if you get hit by a forklift or drunk driver tonight are you going to use the social welfare workers comp or are you going to go into the forest and heal your broken limbs yourself." is even dumber since workers comp is paid for by insurance that is paid for by the company and not the taxpayers who fund your social welfare programs. I bet you ha a Che Guvara shirt don't you. You sound like most of the new workers out there anymore who's mommy took care of them and told them they were special for nothing. How many years have you been driving? Sounds to me like you just got out of school ya puss. Obama sux and is dragging this country into a debt hole we will never get out of. Yes Bush sucked too and drove up the debt but Obama is tripling it. The government is not there to take care of the people, nor to impose there GD healthcare and make it mandatory by punishment of fines or jail if you don't have it. That's not constitutional it's straight up socialist Marxism, but then most socialist are fascists aren't you?
Anyone else notice he still hasn't said he's not management and he didn't answer the workers comp question. I always find it funny when I see a white shirt screaming at a driver to stop being lazy; its true the driver might be lazy but its still funny.

You sound like most of the new workers out there anymore who's mommy took care of them and told them they were special for nothing.

Its sad that management tells workers this type of crap and they accept it, break em down early huh. Your not special, you decided to work so who cares you got hurt. There's another one like you walking in the door.
I have never been in management, I was a Teamster for the last 10 yrs driving, fork lifting, and sweating, and freezing right along with all the other blue collars out there. I never said who cares you got hurt I said workers comp isn't a social welfare program it's paid for by the company not tax payers. You aren't special in the grand scheme of things only to your family n friends maybe. Sounds like the lazy comment hit home. When you've been working in any field as a blue collar for any length of time you learn to let what idiot supervisors say role off your shoulders and just do what you do anyway. There's not a supervisor out there that could tell me how to do my job better. I've been doing it probably longer than you've been alive from the sounds of your posts. If they want me to do it wrong I do, if they're worth anything they see i know what I'm doing at leave me alone to do it right. All the boo hoo hooing about a company's missdeeds isn't going to get you anywhere but on the **** list. it doesn't mean you have to be a suck a** just do what they pay you to do and go home to your family, you know the ones who think you're special. If you don't like how they treat you, or pay you, or compensate you somehow to the point it makes you that pissed off move on. Life's too short to bitch all day long and wait for some one else to fix it with a "social welfare program". Get over your self. I'm done responding to this it's completely off subject here.:hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit:
Look i don't like all the cuts con-way took from us.
But it is still better then whats out there for now.

other people that agree with your statement.

corpral smith.......gen custard knows what hes doing we will be safe out here in the open.
shulie fienstein.....they said there will be food and water at the end of the train trip.
capt ernst august lehmann....its just a little rain storm keep going we are almost in new jersy
kenneth o'donnell.........its gonna be hot in dallas, the convertable should be nice.
ed smith........we must stay on schedule just navagate through the ice. wake me up when we are an hour out.
1. Shi*..........* = t
2. Shi*..........* = t
3. #uck.........# = f
4. Shi*..........* = t
5. #ucking......# = f
6. Shi*............* = t
7. Shi*.............* = t
8. #ucking........# = f

let me know if there is anything else i can do for ya......

Xtra credit ....bullshit was able to pass. That shoud have been @%^^*&^*

lol!!!!!!!! :LMAO:
all i know is im going from 52 a week to 157.00....im going to be exploring other options but i do love this company...and im to the point where i would prob leave given the right job
This company sucks. I read this a few days ago but didn't really think about it.

Does anyone else feel like its hard to find out the rules and regulations here. Tell me this **** before I invest 3-4 weeks going thru the application process and another 2 months working.

beerfd, how the heck are you blaming Obamacare for the bullshit these guys are shoveling?

What type of company pays weekly two weeks behind? If you get fired on Thursday before you get you paycheck and they decide to not pay you, you've worked 3 weeks for free. I've never heard of this ****.

What type of company makes you wait 1 year before you can get on a decent health care plan? I've never heard of this, 90 days okay but 1 year. Did they make up this bullshit plan to screw us, $10,000 limit are you guys insane? Why the **** has no one said this **** before. Cadillac plan my ass!

Let me ask you this, whats the retention rate at Conway? How many people do they lose in their first year?

You think they haven't run the numbers! Let's say they let go 25% of the workforce during the first year. It could be for accidents (they have insurance anyway) but it could also be for lateness. Say 20% of those firings are for people being late or absent. They ****ing have a flex board anyway to cover absences where they can demand you to be at work within an hour. So the company really isn't getting hurt by those tardy drivers. They looked at turnover vs. accident payouts vs. benefits paid and came out with lets give them **** benefits the first year and fire a certain percentage of the workforce each year. And who gives a **** about claims, lets get safe-trac. And they put part-time dockworkers on the dock and pay them no benefits at all.

If it wasn't for workers comp I wouldn't even go into work tonight. And some of you scream how these social welfare programs aren't necessary, its ****ing companies like this that make it necessary.

Stick around 'til you've been here for a year and get good insurance. I'm sure your family would appreciate it. But if you do quit, then you'll get paychecks for the next 3 weeks... Seeing that you are already on Workman's comp., well, you were a bad hire anyways.
all i know is im going from 52 a week to 157.00....im going to be exploring other options but i do love this company...and im to the point where i would prob leave given the right job

Why are the network plan contributions going up so much?

Go to the employee portal and look at the announcements there is a Q/A section under the health article posted a few days ago.

To paraphrase

The company strives to equate the company costs between the plans. The prices for the network plan have risen over the past several years so they are raising contributions.


Because of all of the Obama-hate from people like beerfd and rattlehead this is a perfect time for us to stick it to our employees and lower our costs. We wanted to do this for years but we can finally blame the government even though this has nothing to do with health reform. Its the best of both worlds for us; we get to lower costs and some of you morons are creating enough confusion we won't have to take any responsibility.

They flat out say the raises this year are not from health care reform and their more costly changes because of health care are yet to come. They'll be riding this wave for years. So keep listening to people like beerfd and rattlehead, its exactly what the palace wants you to do.
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Why are the network plan contributions going up so much?

Go to the employee portal and look at the announcements there is a Q/A section under the health article posted a few days ago.

To paraphrase

The company strives to equate the company costs between the plans. The prices for the network plan have risen over the past several years so they are raising contributions.


Because of all of the Obama-hate from people like beerfd and rattlehead this is a perfect time for us to stick it to our employees and lower our costs. We wanted to do this for years but we can finally blame the government even though this has nothing to do with health reform. Its the best of both worlds for us; we get to lower costs and some of you morons are creating enough confusion we won't have to take any responsibility.

They flat out say the raises this year are not from health care reform and their more costly changes because of health care are yet to come. They'll be riding this wave for years. So keep listening to people like beerfd and rattlehead, its exactly what the palace wants you to do.

lol what an idiot nuff said.
Why are the network plan contributions going up so much?

Go to the employee portal and look at the announcements there is a Q/A section under the health article posted a few days ago.

To paraphrase

The company strives to equate the company costs between the plans. The prices for the network plan have risen over the past several years so they are raising contributions.


Because of all of the Obama-hate from people like beerfd and rattlehead this is a perfect time for us to stick it to our employees and lower our costs. We wanted to do this for years but we can finally blame the government even though this has nothing to do with health reform. Its the best of both worlds for us; we get to lower costs and some of you morons are creating enough confusion we won't have to take any responsibility.

They flat out say the raises this year are not from health care reform and their more costly changes because of health care are yet to come. They'll be riding this wave for years. So keep listening to people like beerfd and rattlehead, its exactly what the palace wants you to do.

Ok, they did say(in a video message) that they were going to be taxed an additional $40 mil. because of the the new health care reform act. They said it.
But, do some research on the new insurance. You may not need the Network/HMO-type insurance. Look at the cheaper options. They may be better for you. Do the research and make the right choice for you and your family.
I don't like paying anything for health coverage since for most of my emmployment, with conway, it's been basicly free. But, it is what it is and we can't change it. I like some of the changes, Yes I LIKE them. I can put some kids back on and keep everybody 'til their 26. I am very grateful for that.

If you dont use the doctor a lot during the year, there are some good options available to everybody. Look at the vision insurance. Look at it real good... it's the best they've offered.
There is better insurance with other companies, but hey, like I said, it is what it is... make the best of it..

I will add; I'm from TX and am still a conservative, but at this time in my life, I have to say I like some of the changes in the President's plan..
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