Yellow | New info on contract from TDU

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TB Lurker
November 25, 2013: On November 20-21, YRC negotiators presented proposals to the Teamsters Freight Division for a five-year contract extension. While they are not proposing any wage cuts, they are asking for other concessions.

Reports indicate that YRC’s proposals include these:

Continued annual wage increases in 2015 and beyond, but with no increase in 2014.
Overtime pay after 40 hours per week, instead of after 8 hours.
Change H&W language so that a partial week of work will not pay for a full week of H&W coverage.
Work rule changes, including outsourcing some maintenance and use of outside contractors for certain road work.
Reportedly the IBT Freight Division has not agreed to anything yet, and talks will continue.

YRC management is firm that they need to get an extension with labor cost savings in place soon to be able to re-finance their substantial debt in order to lower interest payments and keep the company on track.

One question that comes up is why can’t YRC negotiate with the banks and the Teamsters simultaneously, so that the banks – who want YRC to keep making payments – could agree to refinance terms at the same time as IBT negotiators agree to submit a contract extension for a vote.

YRC CEO James Welch is taking the case to members, with a DVD mailed to every Teamster’s home. Reportedly the company will follow that by creating a website for Teamsters to access information and the company’s viewpoint.

The IBT constitution requires a majority vote of approval by the 26,000 YRCW Teamsters for any contract extension. Members should have a chance to discuss and evaluate any proposal before it is mailed out for a vote. TDU will continue to post information as it becomes available.


- See more at: YRC Presents Contract Proposals to Union | Teamsters for a Democratic Union
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One question that comes up is why can’t YRC negotiate with the banks and the Teamsters simultaneously, so that the banks – who want YRC to keep making payments – could agree to refinance terms at the same time as IBT negotiators agree to submit a contract extension for a vote.

I wouldn't waste my time until I knew what YRCW was going to be able to do differently looking forward. In other words, we aren't even entertaining the thought of refinancing until you can show us how you are going to be leaner and meaner going forward.
Change H&W language so that a partial week of work will not pay for a full week of H&W coverage.

so if you are outta sicks days and you go to the doctor and lay out a day you are screwed.
Just out of curiousity-----how many sick days do you get at YRCW? At what rate is your other PTO accrued? Is it all use it or lose it?
I guess If you are on layoff and can't get a full week you and your family can't get sick .. now that's YRC taking care of the families they send their propaganda home too. You know they are not sending it to the employees. Its to your wife and kids so they can tell you what to do.
I wouldn't waste my time until I knew what YRCW was going to be able to do differently looking forward. In other words, we aren't even entertaining the thought of refinancing until you can show us how you are going to be leaner and meaner going forward.

I noticed the change from FAVORABLE REFINACING with a 5 yr agreement to POSSIBLE REFINANCING with a 5 yr agreement already
Why can't the IBT , YRC and the Banks get together work out a viable plan if possible ?
I drowning in the B.S.
no raise, no vacation restored, equals a no vote. contracting i s a non-issue with no raise. even if no other concessions are given, no raise is a no vote,
Extension is on table. that's the meat and potatoes . The rest of it is real similar to the last change of operations. Just by asking for this has costed them more than it would have saved. Spend 10 dollars to make one dollar. If its true that is
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The greed of gain has no time or limit to its capaciousness. Its one object is to produce and consume. It has pity neither for you or your loved ones. It is ruthlessly ready without a moment's hesitation to crush the TEAMSTERS.
I think that YRC is out of their ******* mind. Little by little everything we have fought for since 1994 is taken away. I think that YRC management have done this to themselves and now we the drivers that make the money for this company are getting a kick in the ass. Vote no. Enough is enough.
I think that YRC is out of their ******* mind. Little by little everything we have fought for since 1994 is taken away. I think that YRC management have done this to themselves and now we the drivers that make the money for this company are getting a kick in the ass. Vote no. Enough is enough.

I guess the dock, office and mechanics among many others. Other than drivers have nothing to do with this company making money?????????????
Many things lost or things the company want to take came to us through tough battles long before 1994! Thank you for your passion though your point taken. I just didn't want anyone to feel left out. :shrug:
Change H&W language so that a partial week of work will not pay for a full week of H&W coverage.

so if you are outta sicks days and you go to the doctor and lay out a day you are screwed.
or if your a road driver that only gets called 3 days a week...
with it worded like that they could cut everyone back to 39 hours and cut their H&W coverage.

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