R&L | New terminal


TB Lurker
Been hearing rumors that R&L wants to open a new yard in DuBois PA. Its going in the old preston teminal were YRC used to be. Last month YRC moved in to a new place across town. So I was wondering if you fokes have hard anything.
And if R&L does come to this area are they a good place to work. Like how is the pay and how much do they take out for your health ins.
R&L has owned that property for a few years now. Some will say it is a great place, some will say it sucks. You have to take the opinion of someone you trust. Not sure what your starting pay would be, insurance for a family is $52.00/week. In OH our top rate is $24.07/hour. Not going to be alot of employees there, it will be a pretty small terminal. Heard rumors that we should open in the spring.
David Faust's Preston Trucking Collection


Not a problem... I am partial to the CF ones.... I miss the old company.

i like all the old ones.
i started driving in the late 80's when alot of the old ones were still around.
good memories to the guys who worked for those companies in their hay-days
July 1st is the targeted open date for the DuBois terminal from what I have heard. Whether is happens or not, who knows. This has been a rumor for at least 8 years so we'll see what happens.