New York - Trooper Lucky to Survive Crash


TB Lurker
(Wheatland, N.Y.) – It’s a call police dread more than anything else – a call from an injured officer.

State Trooper Derrick Cunningham, 42, was trapped in his cruiser after it was hit by a tandem tractor-trailer on the Thruway. He was not seriously hurt, but had he been hit seconds earlier, he could have been killed.

One look at what remains of his police car, and you realize how lucky Cunningham is to be alive. He had just gotten back in his cruiser after stopping a car on Route 390 for speeding.

That’s when the tractor trailer slammed into the side of his car, pinning him inside.

Todd Carter, of Utah, saw the crash in his rearview mirror and stopped to help.

'I looked behind me and the truck disappeared off the road,” said Carter. “The trooper was in the car and he couldn't get out. I think he was in shock.”

Cahrges are pending against truck driver Larry Steward of Fredonia. Police suspect he was inattentive and made an unsafe lane change. Police are inspecting his rig to make sure there were no mechanical problems.

Cunningham declined to be interviewed. He is a 19-year veteran and hopes to retire in four months. He is resting at home and will soon return to work.





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This Double 48' set, was a good 50 yds off the highway. 2 days later, still cleaning up freight from the bushes.
They showed a picture of the police car at the trooper barricks on the news last night... lets just say the troopers lucky to be alive.