XPO | Now Hiring..


TB Veteran
We've had the "Now Hiring" sign up for so long now, that people think it is part of the regular signage...There is a revoling door at the front, that says..."new-hires enter here>"

Ann Arbor needs to take notice of all the turn-over at the bottom..
We've had the "Now Hiring" sign up for so long now, that people think it is part of the regular signage...There is a revoling door at the front, that says..."new-hires enter here>"

Ann Arbor needs to take notice of all the turn-over at the bottom..

Same at my barn. Can't pass a drug test, lied on their background check.:thumbup:
Ann Arbor Don't Really Care about the Revolving Door or they would have Fixed this Problem years ago I have seen so many People Come and Go in ten years I feel like I work at A Wall-mart The Only thing Different is people buy there **** No body buys Ann Arbors **** !!!!

We've had the "Now Hiring" sign up for so long now, that people think it is part of the regular signage...There is a revoling door at the front, that says..."new-hires enter here>"

Ann Arbor needs to take notice of all the turn-over at the bottom..
Ann Arbor Don't Really Care about the Revolving Door or they would have Fixed this Problem years ago I have seen so many People Come and Go in ten years I feel like I work at A Wall-mart The Only thing Different is people buy there **** No body buys Ann Arbors **** !!!!

That is actually a good post..lol
Conway really don't need any more city drivers , if they keep loading all these vans they will just cut the line haul board and use all this extra help delivering frt ! The temps will cover the dock and linehaul will cover the city routes . I'll bet there is going to be some pissed off road drivers starving to death like the rest of us city hands !
Conway really don't need any more city drivers , if they keep loading all these vans they will just cut the line haul board and use all this extra help delivering frt ! The temps will cover the dock and linehaul will cover the city routes . I'll bet there is going to be some pissed off road drivers starving to death like the rest of us city hands !

Nope I won't starve I'll be needed elsewhere. I'm personally not all that interested in being **** on every day.
We've had the "Now Hiring" sign up for so long now, that people think it is part of the regular signage...There is a revoling door at the front, that says..."new-hires enter here>"

Ann Arbor needs to take notice of all the turn-over at the bottom..

why care? One less body making it to top scale.
Conway really don't need any more city drivers , if they keep loading all these vans they will just cut the line haul board and use all this extra help delivering frt ! The temps will cover the dock and linehaul will cover the city routes . I'll bet there is going to be some pissed off road drivers starving to death like the rest of us city hands !

You missed one thing, the "rest" of us city hands won't be starving to death anymore, or just not here... we'll be in the unemployment line!
Actually close to Ann arbor, I should drop in and give Doug and his cohorts a piece of my mind!

Do yourself a very large favor...forget about it.

It wasn't until the organizational movement began at XCO did this 'integrity' driven company give the drivers a second thought.

Any subsequent action or program is little more than the typical knee jerk reaction that Ann Arbor is so famous for...

"Pat them on the head...tell them what a phenomenal job they are doing...return to them the money we stole as we used the economy as a scapegoat and the effort will go away"....it did!!!

I can visualize high fives all over the Ann Arbor office..."By God we certainly showed them, didn't we??? We won the battle...throw 'em a few bucks and once again all is good in the land of the blue koolaid.

"These people are so stupid they will buy into anything we suggest...as long as it involves MONEY!!!"

"Forget any work rules or operational protocol...give 'em a buck or two...and it will go away."

It did.

As much as I criticize Con-way I would like to see the company improve. Once a new driver gets over the thrill of getting a new job , reality sinks in.

No retirement. Low turnover/low retirement rate at the top = it will take FOREVER to move up
S#!t rolls down hill and new drivers are at the bottom and while they SLOWLY climb it can take YEARS to reach top pay
Pay raises not guaranteed yearly to at least keep up with COLA

As a fix , upper management should institute some type of retirement for new employees , after all , management came up with this idea in a video and the "1 on 1's"
Cut the amount of time it takes to reach top pay
Offer some type of incentive to older drivers to retire - there is no driver shortage - good people will show up for good jobs that pay well and offer good benefits

There are a ton of ideas but these are a few quick ones that would radically change the way new drivers feel instantly.
They dont give a hoot about your retirement or mine.... as long as the CEO and his top celebrities are knocking down 11 million a year plus lifetime benefits and keep firing the top scale employees and keep coming up with more rules they are happy fist bumping and bottom patting each other!!!
They dont give a hoot about your retirement or mine.... as long as the CEO and his top celebrities are knocking down 11 million a year plus lifetime benefits and keep firing the top scale employees and keep coming up with more rules they are happy fist bumping and bottom patting each other!!!

BINGO! The company cheerleaders can believe what they want but this is the truth.
BINGO! The company cheerleaders can believe what they want but this is the truth.

It is true. Money talks

How many drivers push too hard? Work too long? Give their all for this company or any company? If not for the company , they do it for their loved ones and family.
If the new drivers don't have the same things as the other drivers they won't care as much , or at all......

At the end of the day most drivers know that upper management will only focus on money. Since upper management raised the point of retirement for new employees , maybe they realize how much money we waste because of HI TURNOVER. If we cannot attract GOOD people with our pay and benefits then we will pay financially as Con-ways productivity crumbles as well as MORALE.
Beyond attracting good people , we have to retain them. If we attract them with good pay and benefits WE KEEP THEM WITH FAIR TREATMENT AND THE PROMISE OF RETIREMENT.

It seems pretty simple.
It is true. Money talks

How many drivers push too hard? Work too long? Give their all for this company or any company? If not for the company , they do it for their loved ones and family.
If the new drivers don't have the same things as the other drivers they won't care as much , or at all......

At the end of the day most drivers know that upper management will only focus on money. Since upper management raised the point of retirement for new employees , maybe they realize how much money we waste because of HI TURNOVER. If we cannot attract GOOD people with our pay and benefits then we will pay financially as Con-ways productivity crumbles as well as MORALE.
Beyond attracting good people , we have to retain them. If we attract them with good pay and benefits WE KEEP THEM WITH FAIR TREATMENT AND THE PROMISE OF RETIREMENT.

It seems pretty simple.

You're 100% correct but this concept seems very foreign to them or at least at my place it is. They do not care if you can make enough money to pay bills and will harass the **** out of you just as a warm up.
You're 100% correct but this concept seems very foreign to them or at least at my place it is. They do not care if you can make enough money to pay bills and will harass the **** out of you just as a warm up.

Some guys brought this up at our pre shift p&d meeting. We were told that this would never happen so just get with the program. I guess the prez was right when he said grumblers will be isolated and will fall in line or move on.
Doesn't surprise me one bit. These guys are so out of touch with reality. They have a HUGE problem with recruitment and retention and these geniuses think hammering our asses even harder is the solution. LOL
Doesn't surprise me one bit. These guys are so out of touch with reality. They have a HUGE problem with recruitment and retention and these geniuses think hammering our asses even harder is the solution. LOL

Also we were told the safety policy was about to be tightened, so look for more hiring needs to come.
All large trucking companies are basically the same, they have created this revolving door policy on truck drivers and could care less about us. They figure that another will come in thru the revoling door as u are exiting. The biggest problem with the industry is the lack of professionalism on both sides. The goverment has regulated us to the point that we (drivers) have to spend a great deal of money to maintain our license in the way of medical, twic cards,Hazmat, equipment and other various expenses while being away from family and friends for weeks on end, if not months not to mention that we have to keep our license free of infractions and accidents. As a company driver (and have worked for several large companies over the years) it has been my experience that not only are we grossly under paid but that we are just a number on the computer screen to them. Your fleet manager or your go to person at the company can either make you or break you and getting a good relationship with them is key in either moving or living in a truckstop for half the week.
I have seen many drivers and the equipment they drive look like a rolling dumpster and I have seen equipment with a million miles or more that is in showroom condition and believe it or not effects the way these companies look at us and treat us. We need to be professional as drivers in order to make these companies treat us better and as for the companies they need to take a hard look at who they hire and how that person would take care of company property. Just because they have a CDL license does not make them a Driver.
The industry says we need 200,000 new drivers and the companies that we work for are trying to get us to recruit for them but turn right around and hire these green horns who cause accidents and watch as the professionals move on to another company in hopes that it is greener in another pasture instead of fixing the problems that cause good driver's to move on.
It has been my experience that the trucking companies are sloppy in key areas that define a professional company, like periodically checking on company equipment and how the driver lives in it and fining the them for not taking care of the companies assests and rewarding those that do, another key area is information on load assignments, some companies do better than others but still is a problem like wrong address,wrong p/u numbers,poor directions or no directions, etc...... and I could go on but I feel u all understand what I am trying to say, and not to forget the really poor dispatchers that feel you are nothing more that a stupid ass truck driver that has a sixth grade education and is lucky enough to be able to sign his name.
So to some up this gripe of mine is simple, The more we act as a professional drivers the more we can hold these companies feet to the fire to treat us as people and an assest to the company and for them to be more professional as a company to want to keep us and pay us a fair wage to work for them.......
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