SAIA | Now that I’m retired .... let’s expose the truth!

And you used them before personally,Is this from your own experience and are they impartial and unbiased.Really and will you get a hearing right away.Or will your employer fire you before because of some trumped up company policy or work rule (,Like running a stop sign)Do you have access to company records and or other disciplinary measures taken upon other employees.Remember we keep records of disciplinary measures taken upon our members by companies There is not supposed to be disparate treatment.Everyone gets the same or less depending upon circumstances Can you actually say Saia treats every one the same for the same instances .Or will the EEOC vindicate you not knowing anything or little about the trucking industry or what we do.If you get fired for theft drunkenness Violence or repeated offenses of companies policy ,Nobody can help you ,not even the EEOC.Remember If you don’t like the teamsters there are others try the operating engineers or machinist union.Or in your case retire if you can’t fight any more.Enjoy The next chapter of your life brother ,No Worries a No Hurry ,You got nothing but Time!:violin:

I'm not trying to start anything but IMO if you steal or are drunk or violent I'm sorry but you don't deserve to work there or anywhere. I think if the union got someone's job back for theft or drunkenness or fighting the union is an enabler for this type of behavior. Just like our government and the judicial system and the welfare programs. All enabling the bad behavior of others to be rewarded by no punishment. I'm sorry but be a man and take your punishment. If you can't do the time don't do crime.
Well you should be a voice now!You have the experience and Now the time.You have taken enough :::shit::: for years and had to eat crow.Its time .The young guys have no guidance.You Remember you had a mentor early on in your career.Help those who can’t or do not know enough to help them selves .Its the Christian thing to do.Carry on!
Ironically for most of my life I’ve been on the other side of the fence. I know many members of the Local 745 down here and some are very good friends. I look for a push in 2019 unlike the ones before. The cameras and Bluetooth and CB policy just may be the tipping point this next go round. This company thinks they are untouchable and I find that sort of arrogance unacceptable.
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Amen. I just get tired of all the negative union garble. If they are so great why isn't every line union and people lining up to get in the door? I get tired of reading how goats can mow a yard and how much crap Big Dave's hat can hold. If you want to have fun start a dang joke thread. Don't do it somewhere where someone is trying to be serious. And they wonder why people don't engage on here anymore. Sorry boys but I had a few beers and the truth serum got to flowing. But I aint sorry for the remarks against Joe.
That's how it's getting over at my company's thread. A buncha nonsense about goats and mowing. It's pretty much been overrun by two fools.
Which shows your ignorance, ALL of those are considered a deadly sin and a union can do nothing to defend it.

Nope not ignorant. Seen it first hand. I know of a Holland driver that literally punched another driver in the face at a customer. Company fired him, union got him his job back. That sir is wrong. If you do that you should be fired on the spot. Theft runs rampant by stealing time and sleeping constantly on the job. I have seen it. Drinking I'm sure has happened somewhere. Can honestly say haven't seen that yet.
Nope not ignorant. Seen it first hand. I know of a Holland driver that literally punched another driver in the face at a customer. Company fired him, union got him his job back. That sir is wrong. If you do that you should be fired on the spot. Theft runs rampant by stealing time and sleeping constantly on the job. I have seen it. Drinking I'm sure has happened somewhere. Can honestly say haven't seen that yet.
I wasn't there so I can't say what happened, but I am curious to know how you know the union got his job back? did the company fire him? was he defending himself from the other driver? what happened to the other driver?
I wasn't there so I can't say what happened, but I am curious to know how you know the union got his job back? did the company fire him? was he defending himself from the other driver? what happened to the other driver?

The other driver was there first I believe and the Holland driver got mad caused he backed in to the dock first. Words were exchanged and the Holland driver slugged him. He was fired and gone for two weeks or more. Then he's back. I know the union got his job back cause other Holland drivers said so. There were several of them talking about it. I just shook my head in disbelief.
At least there's some fun over there. This one's been overrun by a know it all drama train.
Well, White the sticky has been removed so this thread will fade away soon. So you can take solice in that. I will also begin to fade way with only an occasional visit. The haters can now rejoice. I do have a couple of more topics for this thread but if this thread fades soon and guys lose interest I probably won’t come back anytime soon. Hunting season is approaching and I have a deer lease to maintain and manage. My favorite time of year.
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The other driver was there first I believe and the Holland driver got mad caused he backed in to the dock first. Words were exchanged and the Holland driver slugged him. He was fired and gone for two weeks or more. Then he's back. I know the union got his job back cause other Holland drivers said so. There were several of them talking about it. I just shook my head in disbelief.

I learned a long time ago to believe what you see and not what you hear.
Well, White the sticky has been removed so this thread will fade away soon. So you can take solice in that. I will also begin to fade way with only an occasional visit. The haters can now rejoice. I do have a couple of more topics for this thread but if this thread fades soon and guys lose interest I probably won’t come back anytime soon. Hunting season is approaching and I have a deer lease to maintain and manage. My favorite time of year.

Train, don't pull a General MacArthur on me, "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away"
Well, White the sticky has been removed so this thread will fade away soon. So you can take solice in that. I will also begin to fade way with only an occasional visit. The haters can now rejoice. I do have a couple of more topics for this thread but if this thread fades soon and guys lose interest I probably won’t come back anytime soon. Hunting season is approaching and I have a deer lease to maintain and manage. My favorite time of year.
I won't let this thread die! Bringing joy to my heart
C'mon train what else you have to exploit? Give us the goods don't keep me at Bay! I love this bash fest which for me is an entirely different side of you I never thought I would see! I like this better than the Facebook friends and family page ran by the company suck wads we have! They think they actually have a self right diligence to run the company!
C'mon train what else you have to exploit? Give us the goods don't keep me at Bay! I love this bash fest which for me is an entirely different side of you I never thought I would see! I like this better than the Facebook friends and family page ran by the company suck wads we have! They think they actually have a self right diligence to run the company!
My problem is I really care about a few good men at this company. Some drivers and some in management. I don’t want to say anything that could possibly hurt them. Corporate does read this site and I know that to be a fact from when I was a moderator on truckingboards. This site can track your IP address and that’s why so many are afraid to become members. They just lurk in the shadows because they fear being exposed. Coal just give me some time to evaluate my next move. I’m trying to pick my battles a little more carefully these days.
You think corporate would try to fix things then instediof all this truth that's been posted
The problem is that they don’t think anything is broken. The numbers are good so they just continue on with the status quo.... Not aspiring to be truly great like Old Dominion. They will never reach that level for many reasons but the biggest reason is the deteriorating culture. I think this company is just happy with the stock being around $70-80. I can’t see them ever reaching OD or XPO levels. They have the potential but so far it’s just been wasted.
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