Hahahahaha! They win. That bitter taste is stuck with you. What a fitting end. They are living rent free in your head now and always will. You couldn’t just be a man and retire. Take the good with you and leave the rest to be sorted out. I’m glad I left on good terms, my own terms, and have wonderful memories of friends I’ve made. 35 years of driving, over 20 with Saia and I’m having the time of my life. Bitter old man you became. You’ll be mumbling that crap to yourself for years. Man up old man. Own it and move on or you’ll just be a hang-tag like your little buddy Buck.
And no, the company hasn’t changed in the very short time you’ve been there, neither has the industry as a whole. Progress does have a way of changing priorities, but they still pick up and deliver freight just as they always have.
Sorry your retirement will be haunted, sure am glad mine is not.