ODFL | OD Road Test/written test

It involves the proper pretrip, hooking, driving and post trip of a tractor and trailer/trailers.
Now my theory is, if you must ask then how new to this occupation are you. You should be doing this on a daily basis as a driver. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the safe operation of commercial vehicles.
It involves the proper pretrip, hooking, driving and post trip of a tractor and trailer/trailers.
Now my theory is, if you must ask then how new to this occupation are you. You should be doing this on a daily basis as a driver. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the safe operation of commercial vehicles.
It involves the proper pretrip, hooking, driving and post trip of a tractor and trailer/trailers.
Now my theory is, if you must ask then how new to this occupation are you. You should be doing this on a daily basis as a driver. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the safe operation of commercial vehicles.
Did not know I asked for a theory, was just wondering what was involved
It involves the proper pretrip, hooking, driving and post trip of a tractor and trailer/trailers.
Now my theory is, if you must ask then how new to this occupation are you. You should be doing this on a daily basis as a driver. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the safe operation of commercial vehicles.
I did not mention anything about short cuts or being unsafe, Road test do vary from company to company, just wondering what OD was like, nothing more nothing less
I did not mention anything about short cuts or being unsafe, Road test do vary from company to company, just wondering what OD was like, nothing more nothing less
Without my theory, the rest is what is expected on the road test. My theory comes from a small percentage of drivers, already employed that don’t do the minimal basic pretrip or post.
It depends on the trainer you get. I had a city guy who could care less. Very quick and basic pretrip. I never hooked a set before so we skipped that. About a 5 min drive down the road and I was done.
Wait....... What is the pre and post trip you are talking about? Them words, or actions don't seem to exist anymore!
Unfortunately, they can take a new tractor and damage it also, thinking that Flybynite is to stupid to notice. Jokes on them, pictures tell the story. Oops. I count the dust particles when I take time off, there better be the same amount when I get back. Lol.
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