Central Transport | old Vitran Employees NOT going over to CT


TB Lurker
Anyone out there know who or whom we are supposed to have prospective employers contact for Employee History-verification?

Have had 3 people tell me that their new employers are not able to get ahold of anyone. Should they be directed to central transport's HR Department?

Have an interview on Wednesday, kinda need that employment verification...
If your still at your old terminal give them that number. I've been giving out the 800-245-1244 number an all they've had todo is go to HR.
I just put on my application that they could contact and never heard any problems. I would definitely say it's Vitrans responsibility to report that info.
Moonraker, just offer up last years W-2 and your last 2 or 3 weeks paystubs. Worked for me. They made copies of the W-2's and just glanced at the pay stubs. Proof enough for them.

Just curious about my last 3 days vacation pay though. Going to try to get through to Roxanne on Monday and see if they will just cash them out or if I have to schedule them so that CT can get one more week's insurance out of me.
Moonraker, just offer up last years W-2 and your last 2 or 3 weeks paystubs. Worked for me. They made copies of the W-2's and just glanced at the pay stubs. Proof enough for them.

Just curious about my last 3 days vacation pay though. Going to try to get through to Roxanne on Monday and see if they will just cash them out or if I have to schedule them so that CT can get one more week's insurance out of me.

I took mine in the middle of the week, worked Mon, took tues wed and thurs off then worked friday, that way no one could say I quit before I actually did and not pay me for them, but my understanding is if you quit with any outstanding time you forfit it, I know just based on how they pay it I gave up 4 hours when i went over (ct 8 hours each day vitran 9 hours)
Orientation set for next Friday and Sat. Waiting to confirm. Planning to pull my last turn on Wed. night after they call Monday morning.
You only loose your PTO time and not earned vacation time. Last year's earned benefit.
Orientation set for next Friday and Sat. Waiting to confirm. Planning to pull my last turn on Wed. night after they call Monday morning.
You only loose your PTO time and not earned vacation time. Last year's earned benefit.

unless your over at ct already, they consider all vac time as PTO time, therefore easy to void it out if you quit before you use it.
It makes me proud to see alot of exvitran drivers walking out on the ctii outfit. Life will be alot easier where ever you land. All ive heard from alot of vitran drivers is they are looked upon like step children. Like i said on a earlier thread. Come next summer you see ctii cardboard help wanted posted up in front of all other LTL outfits. good luck on all your new adventures.
unless your over at ct already, they consider all vac time as PTO time, therefore easy to void it out if you quit before you use it.

VERIFIED. Central will not cash out "earned 'vacation' " as it IS considered PTO, and not subject to the law about paying a departing employee for earned vacation time.
VERIFIED. Central will not cash out "earned 'vacation' " as it IS considered PTO, and not subject to the law about paying a departing employee for earned vacation time.

So what does it matter whether you call it sick leave, vacation, or PTO? The difference lies in how the law treats vacation and PTO. Vacation and PTO are an earned benefit. It is a wage. Once the employee earns the benefit, the employer cannot take it away without compensating the employee for the benefit. Sick leave, on the other hand, can only be used for specified purposes. An employee’s right to use sick leave is contingent upon the happening of some specific event (i.e., they get sick). If the employee never gets sick, then the employee never had the right to use the sick leave. That is one reason that employers do not have to pay out unused sick leave upon termination, but they do have to pay out unpaid vacation and PTO.
They should have to pay PTO, however, personal they do not have to pay-When I left they paid me off. I am not sure how it works since they bascially are out of buisness though
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