FedEx Freight | Pay Raise '24

I hit 20 yrs this past June. Started dock then switched to driving when Fedex bought Watkins because they told the handful of dock workers we had at the time that if they're old enough to get cdl to drive or find a new job. Only exceptions were the 2 younger ones. Some of us became drivers. Some said see ya lol! Would be nice if they would do the step scale again because they pissed alot of senior drivers off when they hired newbies in off the street at top pay, making them even with the 20-25+ year drivers. And as an added kick to the balls, they give the newbies volume loads and switches while senior drivers get 15-25 stop peddle routes because they're "afraid" to give them that much because they don't want to scare them off! Our old SCM at National threw us in the fire and told us we'd be doing at some point might as well start now lol! But not nowdays, they don't want to offend anyone 😢.
same old story, the ones that carry the workload end up getting used and abused while the lazy or “potentially offended “ get to sit back and laugh their asses off🙄
As of this morning, our dispatch manager said he hasn't received any emails from corporate or whoever sends the important stuff. Nothing about meetings, policy changes, raises or anything good. Other than a.m. yard times when someone is bored and feels like checking it because they need to justify why they're on payroll lol!!!
I never liked how a company can decide which relative was more important, I'd take the time without pay depending on who died
Not really what is trying to be accomplished. Doesn't really have anything to do with YOUR personal relationship to the deceased.
Think about all the legal loose ends someone has to address when a parent dies. Funeral arrangments, inheritance, burial specifics, and so on. That takes every bit of 5 days, more in many cases.

With a cousin and such, there's less to consider, in general.
I'd rather have the ot after 8. Switching it to 40 would be their way of getting people to work 5 days a week to get ot rather than racking up ot after 8 hours in 4 days and using the ot to cover the 5th day and not burn vacation or pto hours. Around our area it would take 7% raise or higher to cover our cost of living increases. Last year, our cost of living was 9% higher yet we got a 3ish % raise. Something is better than nothing but it was still a kick to the 🥜!!!
I highly doubt they're taking OT away. It's just not enough of a factor to move their financial needle. You're talking about city drivers exclusively. They're the only ones that consistently see OT, and even then, it's what? Maybe 4hrs a week averaged over the entire group?
Also, I doubt they make up 10% of the FxF workforce. No other jobclass gets OT unless it's special circumstances.

They'll cheap out on healthcare long before that.
The market dictates pay, not your feels or emotions.
Regardless of your profession, your pay is based on value added, along with what the market rate is for your skills. Lower the skill and qualifications, lower the pay.
Say company A pays you $5 to sit around and seperate red balls from yellow ones, and company B pays you $10 to do the EXACT same job.
Eventually, Co A will either be forced to bring their pay up to $10,or they will be unable to attract or retain workers.

Other factors include...

An hour of my time buys less this October than it did last October, to the tune of 25% going back a solid 4 years. Now, I know you get a 3% raise and you're little eyes see the bigger # on you're paycheck, but you are actually making less $ This confuses a lot of people because you were told in 1st grade that the bigger # is more.
So, if your pay goes up $25 a week but it costs you $100 more to exist in the world every week through higher grocery bills, higher insurance, ect you are actually $75 poorer this week.
Every week
Every month
Every year, and it doesn't stop.
Now, it's never been a companie's duty to pace pay with inflation. We get that.
Eventually, the company will have to face the reality that it's costing their employees more to exist. They can increase pay, or continue to watch veteran tallent leave, and be unable to attract new tallent.

Second, the competition that provides the EXACT same service as FxF does, pays more.
See above if you're confused.

3rd. How many people can do your job, and are willing to do it for less?
Not addressing the potential of illegals doing our job (which may be a facror, but isn't,,,yet)
Currently there's a shortage of roughly 70,000 Class A drivers.
So, people aren't rushing to drive trucks as a vocation as they have in year's past. Also, the US's demographics have shifted. The largest generation is currently retiring, and the generation that is replacing them is the smallest.
There's any number of the effects that will have, but lower pay won't be one of them.

I suspect you're a member of leadership, because if you're a driver and that eaisly dazzled into thinking $65k a year is a "good livin" , then you're ignorant, uneducated and thusly, part of the problem
The generation now is the laziest I’ve ever seen.
That's for sure. At least half of our p&d doesn't want to work more than 7 hours. They don't want to do more than 4 or 5 stops but they want to be the highest paid drivers. Most of us senior felt like we were slapped in the face, punched in the gut and kicked in the balls when they hired newbies in at top pay when senior drivers took several years to get to it. Dispatchers are scared to give newbies heavy routes & liftgate routes because they don't want them to quit so they give them volume loads, switches or 2-3 stop routes while 60 y.o. drivers with 20+ years of service the liftgates! I miss our old managers that would tell newbies to take what they get or leave if they can't handle it!!!
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