XPO | Preferred stock


TB Lurker
Is it a good time to convert your preferred stock to common stock now,with the price of common stock at $45.00?
I'd have to say YES. as of late, any time our stock drops below 50 would be a good time to convert. ........but don't come looking for me if it drops into the thirties !!! :hide:
Your preferred stock gets compounded twice a year at 4.25%. So, that means roughly it stays at a constant 8 1/2 % annually. This doesn't fluctuate with the market like our common stock. Most analyst will tell you to convert your common stock into another fund offered, not keeping your eggs in one basket (don't invest in yourself) but the preferred is very, very secure.
Dear God:hide:

I have NO CLUE what you guys are speaking.. Is there some place I can educate myself on stocks or better yet, 401k's..seeing as I just made my 1st contribution to my 401k and soon stocks will play a role.

Also...time for some noobness here. Lets say, my contribution was $50 into my 401k. How does that $50 "grow". I hear about growth all the time. So what is the difference between this, and say if I put that $50 into a savings account?? The savings account collects interest over time...so what is causing my 401k to grow. I am new to this game, so I would like to learn. The other day I read a post from one of us that said he sold his stocks when they were still above the $50 mark...So I assume that of he originally bought them under $50, he has made $$. Then I would also have to assume that he(or all of you) are constantly buying and selling your stocks...maybe not all, but some at least.

Please shed some light. You dont have to go into GREAT detail. Maybe like a Idiots Guide to Stocks version.

when you buy stocks and shares of a mutual fund with payroll deduction,taking out a little every week and putting it in your 401K you get dollar cost averaging.Which is making regular contributions the price you pay for shares of stocks/mutaul fund shares is averaged out over time.Your account should grow in theory over time due to share prices rising.there will be some fluctuation of your account balance and this normal due to prices going up and down.sometimes it is hard to stick to it when prices fall and your account balance takes a dump,but think of it like the stock market having a sale when stocks crap out.when they are down is the best time to buy,more shares for your dollar and when they go up...:1036316054: by the way it is generally not recommended to buy additional company stock since they give it to you for part of your match and I always try to keep my common stock balance arond 5% of my account balance to decrease volitility.simply put if you contribute 6% to your account and the company matches 6% you are making a return off of them plus how much growth your shares see,price per share increase or decrease.
Dear God:hide:

I have NO CLUE what you guys are speaking.. Is there some place I can educate myself on stocks or better yet, 401k's..seeing as I just made my 1st contribution to my 401k and soon stocks will play a role.

Also...time for some noobness here. Lets say, my contribution was $50 into my 401k. How does that $50 "grow". I hear about growth all the time. So what is the difference between this, and say if I put that $50 into a savings account?? The savings account collects interest over time...so what is causing my 401k to grow. I am new to this game, so I would like to learn. The other day I read a post from one of us that said he sold his stocks when they were still above the $50 mark...So I assume that of he originally bought them under $50, he has made $$. Then I would also have to assume that he(or all of you) are constantly buying and selling your stocks...maybe not all, but some at least.

Please shed some light. You dont have to go into GREAT detail. Maybe like a Idiots Guide to Stocks version.

vist this site if your still not sure what to do call them they will help you.
T. Rowe Price Corporate Gateway
no never touch your preferred stock.because once you move it you don't get it back.
I AGREE 100% with BRUTUS on this. Preffered stock is the last thing to go if the company goes under, and you cannot buy prefered shares ( to my knowledge anyway). So hang on to it!:1036316054: