just so you know i was a GI employee before they were bought by estes. the people from cali that i have a problem with is the moron that are "only" looking out for themselves. as a former GI employee and now an Estes employee, yes somethings that estes has for policys i dont like, however, they are things i can live with. i look out for the company because without the company. no job!! thats pretty easy to see. and yes without drivers no company. yea i get it BUT, Estes has been around for 75 years and they are doing pretty darn well in the money area. i can't say that was the case with GI, cuse if they were doing things right, they wound not have been sold, how many times??? does everyone see my point? yes GI was a good company to work for, and if people would let GI die, like it is, and shut up and look to the future they just might find out Estes is a good company to work for. and that goes back to the Cali morons, they want to work for GI and i have a solution for them, go work for GI, you can find them at the umemployment office. as for management, i see a very short employment for the Uppers in Estes West because "they" are the reason for all this crap going on, because they keep coddling the drivers and sympatizing with their cause, cuse they too want to work for GI, see above..., instead of saying Estes bought GI i am sorry that you dont like it, but if you can't live with it there is the door.
i think thats enough said for tonight. thanx for listening and everyone keep it safe out there