i dont care what crap they try to feed us. this company is making damn good money, and they have ZERO intention on giving us back anything anytime soon. im not sure what exactly has went wrong with this company since about '07, but this job has turned into nothing but something i have to do to pay my bills until something better comes along.
i cant speak for anybody but me, but i have absolutely no pride, faith, or trust in r&l anymore. we work hard everyday to get the job done, and no matter how much we get the job done, it is never enough because our insane tm didnt get a big enough performance bonus that month. it wasnt always like this, r&l used to be a damn good company in my opinion. now ALL that matters is stops per hour, because after all, no matter how much we made the company this week, it always could have been better, right????
and if we are LUCKY, maybe we might get our personal days back by january, but i wouldnt hold my breath!!!
the days of having ANY pride in this horribly run company are long gone. its nothing but a pay check until something better comes along
i cant speak for anybody but me, but i have absolutely no pride, faith, or trust in r&l anymore. we work hard everyday to get the job done, and no matter how much we get the job done, it is never enough because our insane tm didnt get a big enough performance bonus that month. it wasnt always like this, r&l used to be a damn good company in my opinion. now ALL that matters is stops per hour, because after all, no matter how much we made the company this week, it always could have been better, right????
and if we are LUCKY, maybe we might get our personal days back by january, but i wouldnt hold my breath!!!
the days of having ANY pride in this horribly run company are long gone. its nothing but a pay check until something better comes along