Long ago when Class A was abolished, certain larger specimens of Management strutted around Orientation telling us that they are now TRAINED to spot drinking abuse and will test you for it on reasonable suspicious and so on at any time. They bent over backwards to create a climate of fear inside their Company Properties.
We drivers just stocked up on spare parts, extra forms and so on. Stayed out on the road out of the yard property most of the year. That was then. Early 90's I used to have quality sipping alcohol prior to 1994 in the cab for bad pavement on spring ride etc. I did not possess enough ass so to speak to soak up the rough beating.
When I converted to the CDL A, Management began to shift to drug and drinking testing by pee. The problem that first year was drivers kept the left door shut and were camels hardly ever peeing. So the clinics started threatening to charge 60 dollars detention pay waiting on us to produce a dribble to test. That was then.
What it has evolved to with the Clearing house and so on so forth is flat BS. I reject it. Doctors today when they see me they say they will test, I tell them go right ahead if it makes them happy. I dont give a tinkers damn. The whole Industry is damaged beyond redemption. The problem with drug testing is now a big cash cow. I quit pain management 3 years ago when I learned that they collected roughly 30,000 dollars definitive testing me for meth every month on pee based on bad teeth that was removed and replaced with nice dentures. Its long enough to where they are now starting to go out of business. Most of us have learned to have quality alcohol, pot etc on hand at home now. The more things change over a life time the easier it stays the same.