ODFL | Random drug screen


TB Lurker
So, a friend of mine got called for his random. While waiting, 2 dock workers(he was assuming) came in and actually asked the guy what do they test for? Do they NOT know that yes CBD does contain THC in it and if you use that stuff, you will test positive!? smh. Man, this sure has been getting off to an interesting year here. haha
How random really are the drug tests? I worked at a company that knew at least one of the workers was an alcoholic but he never ever had to do a random drug test.
Long ago when Class A was abolished, certain larger specimens of Management strutted around Orientation telling us that they are now TRAINED to spot drinking abuse and will test you for it on reasonable suspicious and so on at any time. They bent over backwards to create a climate of fear inside their Company Properties.

We drivers just stocked up on spare parts, extra forms and so on. Stayed out on the road out of the yard property most of the year. That was then. Early 90's I used to have quality sipping alcohol prior to 1994 in the cab for bad pavement on spring ride etc. I did not possess enough ass so to speak to soak up the rough beating.

When I converted to the CDL A, Management began to shift to drug and drinking testing by pee. The problem that first year was drivers kept the left door shut and were camels hardly ever peeing. So the clinics started threatening to charge 60 dollars detention pay waiting on us to produce a dribble to test. That was then.

What it has evolved to with the Clearing house and so on so forth is flat BS. I reject it. Doctors today when they see me they say they will test, I tell them go right ahead if it makes them happy. I dont give a tinkers damn. The whole Industry is damaged beyond redemption. The problem with drug testing is now a big cash cow. I quit pain management 3 years ago when I learned that they collected roughly 30,000 dollars definitive testing me for meth every month on pee based on bad teeth that was removed and replaced with nice dentures. Its long enough to where they are now starting to go out of business. Most of us have learned to have quality alcohol, pot etc on hand at home now. The more things change over a life time the easier it stays the same.
Long ago when Class A was abolished, certain larger specimens of Management strutted around Orientation telling us that they are now TRAINED to spot drinking abuse and will test you for it on reasonable suspicious and so on at any time. They bent over backwards to create a climate of fear inside their Company Properties.

We drivers just stocked up on spare parts, extra forms and so on. Stayed out on the road out of the yard property most of the year. That was then. Early 90's I used to have quality sipping alcohol prior to 1994 in the cab for bad pavement on spring ride etc. I did not possess enough ass so to speak to soak up the rough beating.

When I converted to the CDL A, Management began to shift to drug and drinking testing by pee. The problem that first year was drivers kept the left door shut and were camels hardly ever peeing. So the clinics started threatening to charge 60 dollars detention pay waiting on us to produce a dribble to test. That was then.

What it has evolved to with the Clearing house and so on so forth is flat BS. I reject it. Doctors today when they see me they say they will test, I tell them go right ahead if it makes them happy. I dont give a tinkers damn. The whole Industry is damaged beyond redemption. The problem with drug testing is now a big cash cow. I quit pain management 3 years ago when I learned that they collected roughly 30,000 dollars definitive testing me for meth every month on pee based on bad teeth that was removed and replaced with nice dentures. Its long enough to where they are now starting to go out of business. Most of us have learned to have quality alcohol, pot etc on hand at home now. The more things change over a life time the easier it stays the same.
Regulation Nation is what we've become
So, a friend of mine got called for his random. While waiting, 2 dock workers(he was assuming) came in and actually asked the guy what do they test for? Do they NOT know that yes CBD does contain THC in it and if you use that stuff, you will test positive!? smh. Man, this sure has been getting off to an interesting year here. haha
The state of NY has banned the testing employees for Marijuana ( all non drivers) either pre-employment of random.
The state of NY has banned the testing employees for Marijuana ( all non drivers) either pre-employment of random.

Employers Exempted From The Marijuana Testing Ban

New York’s ban on drug testing employees for marijuana is not universal throughout all areas of employment. Indeed, the NYSDL’s guidance provides that “an employer can drug test an employee if federal or state law requires drug testing or makes it a mandatory requirement of a position.” For example, mandatory drug testing is still required for drivers of commercial motor vehicles in accordance with 49 CFR Part 382. Similarly, drug testing is also still mandatory for for-hire vehicle motor carriers in accordance with NY Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 507-a.

The state of NY has banned the testing employees for Marijuana ( all non drivers) either pre-employment of random.
They're not alone. California and Washington are 2 I recently read about doing the same.
Does OD randomly test dock workers?
My nephew recently finished up with college. A perspective employer wanted him to go for a drug test. My nephew told him he uses cannabis and has a medical card from his doctor. He made a point of telling him he'd be a responsible employee and would never use before or during his work day.The employer still wanted to hire him but he told him it was company policy all new hires have to take a drug test. My nephew took the test and failed it testing positive for THC. Once the employer got the test results they called my nephew and offered him the job.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
My nephew recently finished up with college. A perspective employer wanted him to go for a drug test. My nephew told him he uses cannabis and has a medical card from his doctor. He made a point of telling him he'd be a responsible employee and would never use before or during his work day.The employer still wanted to hire him but he told him it was company policy all new hires have to take a drug test. My nephew took the test and failed it testing positive for THC. Once the employer got the test results they called my nephew and offered him the job.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Maybe they were looking for other drugs besides marijuana....
Local employers pretty much quit testing. Too expensive.

The trucking companies do because they have to. And cycle failed drivers that go into clearing house and banned from the (Blacklisted) the industry. You find them .later flipping burgers in one of the fast food joints. Or they simply leave the area and live somewhere else. They are out.

Medical pot is legal here the problem is in our State you cannot possess guns with it. If you are issued a pot card, they confisicate your weapons. All of them and melt them down at the metal works and thats that. You are also branded for form 4473 if you ever seek mental health help OR... are prescribed by a Mental Health Doctor for certain medicines at the pharmacy in the last two years running. So its a two year wait minimum before you can see about buying at the gun shop.

If you have friends that consume drugs, legal or illegal. Exclude them from your life as parasites. In the future they will come harvest from you what they must have to stop the withdrawals and so on. You mean nothing to them other than the total value of your stuff and cash on hand at the pawn shop for drugs.

I spent 9000 dollars plus insurance getting new dentures to remove all rotting teeth because that triggered local doctors to definitively test me for meth with a pee cup every month. Thats about a 760 dollar bill every time. That eventually got stopped when I wore nice teeth at my age.
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