We had a combo driver leave us and go to a competitor whose tractors are almost the same color red as ours with yellow lettering (you all know who I am referring to!). He started out making more cpm than he was topped out at here at AE (.425 per mi.) and will get increases over the next 18 months until he tops out at significantly more than $.50 per mile. They also get paid for drops and hooks, off route miles, etc. They also top out at 4 weeks vacation time. Pretty good deal if you ask me.
But "woe is me Averitt and their "times are tough, we aren't making any money, fuel prices are too high"...the list of whining excuses is endless. We as employees continue to clap like seals at every falsehood they shoot down the pike as we have no way to substantiate their ludicrous claims since AE is not publicly traded. We are lead to believe that we are supposed to believe everything that Richard K spews out.
Most of us have their number (I know full well that I do). Until the middle and upper levels of management are sent packing and we have some competent individuals that know what the hell they are doing (most likely as a result of a buyout), prepare to live with what you are getting currently. It will never ever change.