Averitt | Rant !!

Sheesh. What name did I call you? You must be reading a different thread.

I don't see any of your buddies jumping up to your defense.

I see narrow minded people like you as a cancer to message boards. You run off a lot of potential posters with your constant negativity and complaining. When someone stands up and refuses to be bullied, you dismiss them with childish name calling.

My true colors have and always will be on display. I don't pull any punches here on TB.

You already said you were done once. Are you serious this time? What am I saying, you're not reading this are you? It must be hard to resist the temptation to post a response. Go ahead, you already went back on your word once.

Sheesh. What name did I call you? You must be reading a different thread.

I don't see any of your buddies jumping up to your defense.

I see narrow minded people like you as a cancer to message boards. You run off a lot of potential posters with your constant negativity and complaining. When someone stands up and refuses to be bullied, you dismiss them with childish name calling.

My true colors have and always will be on display.

Guardrail,why don't you go back to FedEx boards and argue with your own.Im tired of seeing your rants over here,or have you worn out your welcome over there also.
Guardrail,why don't you go back to FedEx boards and argue with your own.Im tired of seeing your rants over here,or have you worn out your welcome over there also.

That's the beauty of a message board, don't like something, don't open it. Pretty simple, isn't it?

ltl lifer said:
I'll call him what he is...a f'ng jerk.

I agree....But I will say if ya saw him,,
you may want to be friends. Just sayin.

How big a boy are ya ?
Guardrail,why don't you go back to FedEx boards and argue with your own.Im tired of seeing your rants over here,or have you worn out your welcome over there also.

Tarheel, my guess is that you are on to something. There are worms all over this board. I've been watching them for 5 years now.

I have been reading and responding to this little boy from my phone and havent felt like quoting him. It's simply too arduous of a task. Maybe one day I'll choose to filet this guy but only if I'm really bored. He isn't worth my time to be quite honest. He reminds me of a seagull at the beach.....flies over, drops his crap then flies away.

Here's a little hint...he thinks in his little mind that he has set me straight. I'll let him think that. It strokes his over-inflated ego.

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Beerboy, I have respect for you. This other clown is just that, a clown and will never get any respect from me.

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ltl lifer said:
Beerboy, I have respect for you. This other clown is just that, a clown and will never get any respect from me.

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You take this **** way too seriously.
Takes one to know one I guess. Remember, you started this crap, not me. :GrowUp:

What are you talking about? I said you take this ****, (crap, stuff) way to seriously and you say it takes one to know one? Is there a disconnect between your brain and your fingers? Are you going with the "I know you are, but what am I" defense?

I give up. Apparently you are reading another thread on another board and are posting your comments in this thread.
You take this **** way too seriously.
Like I said, you started this crap.

Thanks for using all of your few friends to give me negative reputaion, I passed some your way in return because you deserve way more than I could ever give.

Since you have so skilfully tried your best to shoot me down, you have failed (as I knew you would), I will leave you with a word that describes you to a tee . . . NEBBISH. A better descriptive cannot be applied. Have a sparkling weekend.
Thanks for using all of your few friends to give me negative reputaion, I passed some your way in return because you deserve way more than I could ever give.

There was only one person that gave you negative rep. points, me. I did so on 08-09-2011 at 05:58 AM in response to the negative rep. you gave me on 08-07-2011 at 05:19 PM. So it appears you can't even keep track of a simple time line. This just proves, once again, you have some kind of disconnect between reality and the world you reside around in. You really should arm yourself better if you want to have a back and forth battle with someone.
Since you have so skilfully tried your best to shoot me down, you have failed (as I knew you would), I will leave you with a word that describes you to a tee . . . NEBBISH. A better descriptive cannot be applied. Have a sparkling weekend.

Noun: A person, esp. a man, who is pitifully ineffectual, timid, or submissive.

Is that the best you could do? How long did you have to search to find that woefully inadequate word. I'll be honest, I had to look it up to see what the hell you were talking about.

I know, just by reading your previous posts, you don't use that word on a regular basis. What am I saying, you have never used that word before. You are just searching for a way to try to get under my skin. It won't work. I take a trucking message board about as serious as the CB radio and the stories told around the truck stop horseshoe table, not at all. This is a hobby to me. Every once in a while I find someone like you that intrigues me enough to toy with. I have a short attention span, so don't worry, I'll lose interest after a little while.

I didn't start this crap as you state. I stated my opinion and you decided that you didn't like my opinion. Let's recap, 4 weeks ago I posted this in response to you calling anyone washing a company truck a moron.

Taking pride in your job makes you a moron? Color me a moron then. I wash my FedEx truck several times a week. My truck is a reflection of me and my job performance. To each his own. If you don't want to, don't wash yours. Don't hate on someone else because they like to look good.

It took you 2 weeks to bite, but you did so here...

I still say that if you are out there washing on your truck for free, you are a moron. This, of course, is after we have sat babysitting the worn out equipment on the side of the road for 2 hours for free then a mighty $14 per hour (after they can find lunch breaks to deduct and the like) or waiting at the terminal before leaving out to get a tire fixed that was at the dock off the rim (just how in the hell does that happen anyway) for next to nothing.

Scrub away clean freaks. I'll keep my windows clean and the inside of my cab clean because that's where I live. As far as the outside....screw it. If it gets extra scrutiny at a scale house...so be it. The chances of that happening are extremely minor.

And it went from there. As I pointed out before, I disagreed with your opinion and gave my opinion. At no time did I ever attack or call you names. The same can't be said for you. I didn't start any crap. You took my post and ran with it. You made it crap by taking it personal. This is a message board. It is here for discussion between members of the board. If your opinion is the only thing allowed on a message board, it would be a very dead one.

Instead of concentrating all your energy on me, why not tell some friends about the board? Get some other discussions going about the company you work for, good or bad? Get this board hoping with discussion. The last post below the most current post, iphone app, was last post to one week ago. Get involved with the board like you did trying to rattle my cage.

Tell your fellow drivers about this site. I know for a fact the management at FedEx reads truckingboards. Why is that? Because it's active and has a lot of drivers involved. They can get a good feel for the way drivers are leaning.
Yep, nebbish (cipher, nobody, nothing, upstart) fits you to a tee. Every company and every board has miscreants (there go look that one up) like you and I just laugh that there are such as you that trod society and the boards. I decided not to block your ridiculous/endless ramblings a couple weeks ago just to see where you would take it. AAs I suspected it went where I knew your type would go.

As for a hobby, I see you just can't stand someone getting the better of you so you posted twice. Mommy help you do all of this does she?

I've been bored with you from about your 3rd post and am still bored with you. However, should you choose to continue your rantings so that all on the Averitt bored can see how silly you look and sound, by all means dig that hole.
Sheesh. What name did I call you? You must be reading a different thread.

I don't see any of your buddies jumping up to your defense.

I see narrow minded people like you as a cancer to message boards. You run off a lot of potential posters with your constant negativity and complaining. When someone stands up and refuses to be bullied, you dismiss them with childish name calling.

My true colors have and always will be on display. I don't pull any punches here on TB.

You already said you were done once. Are you serious this time? What am I saying, you're not reading this are you? It must be hard to resist the temptation to post a response. Go ahead, you already went back on your word once.

It take people of ALL types to make this forum worth reading, Lifer and I have had our differences,but in the end, we go our own way. Your input in what is or is not professional is a take it or leave issue with me and a lot of others. A lot of drivers here at Averitt do not know about the TRUCKINGBOARDS, when I speak to them about it, I get a SO WHAT, I could care less attitude. I find it funny that the Averitt threads get wacked and then YOU show up...GIVE IT A BREAK!
It take people of ALL types to make this forum worth reading, Lifer and I have had our differences,but in the end, we go our own way. Your input in what is or is not professional is a take it or leave issue with me and a lot of others. A lot of drivers here at Averitt do not know about the TRUCKINGBOARDS, when I speak to them about it, I get a SO WHAT, I could care less attitude. I find it funny that the Averitt threads get wacked and then YOU show up...GIVE IT A BREAK!
Jeepman, very observant. You and I have no issues. Hell, I dont have a problem wih this little boy. He is notbing more to me than a pimple on my a$$

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How old are you anyway? You can't keep up in a back forth, so you resort to name calling and insults? I should apologize, I guess you didn't have what it took to keep up. I hoped you might. It's really hard to find someone that will take the time to be creative and not resort to juvenile behavior. I'll let you get back to recess.

How old are you anyway? You can't keep up in a back forth, so you resort to name calling and insults? I should apologize, I guess you didn't have what it took to keep up. I hoped you might. It's really hard to find someone that will take the time to be creative and not resort to juvenile behavior. I'll let you get back to recess.


Im done with you punk. Im probably old enough to be your daddy. As I said in an earlier post, you have proven yourself to be a fraud; a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance.
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One last thing. I now know who you sound like. That moron president we are stuck with. Buckets full of incoherent jibberish.

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You couldn't resist leaving one more insult, could you? Sorry you don't understand the english language.

It's is painfully obvious you are trying to insert words in your posts that you would never use in daily conversation. Stop, it doesn't work and it makes you look even worse.

I'll let you have the last word, "dad". (shudder)

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