Averitt | Rant !!

We are getting a lot of new T/L,Shuttle and Dedecated sleeper trucks, and new single axle daycabs. GS is spending some serious money. It would be nice if us drivers would go out of our ways to TAKE CARE of them for once!
I drove the new single axle last week for 175 miles, sweet little light duty rides, smooth Allison and plenty of low end torgue, 489 rear, city driver's dream, no lower fairing or side fairings to worry about.
Yea, I see the new trucks on the yard, nashville has so many they are parking them in in different areas of the yard. I have to wonder though, every one I have spoken to says freight is currently slowing a bit for them, truckload guys say it's so-so, not what they want, I see it in the city side, the days are getting shorter (meaning everything is getting done quicker because there is less to do), I see the customers closing the doors, I see the dock guys going home earlier on saturday mornings because everything is done and on and on...... What's it going to be like come november- january?? A man is going to have a new truck but what about a good check? I just think some aggressive salesman would do many areas some good, maybe some new faces for the customers to see and deal with, for the price of a new truck you could hire an additional salesman and give him a company car for him to drive around it. Freight is out there, but if we dont get our share those new trucks will look good sitting on the yards or in truckstops. We drivers are responsible for trying to get sales leads but with many of those companies we dont go to we need some aggressive reps knocking on doors, not those sales guys who are hanging out in the svs ctr's cutting deals that **** off the terminal mgrs.
Yea, I see the new trucks on the yard, nashville has so many they are parking them in in different areas of the yard. I have to wonder though, every one I have spoken to says freight is currently slowing a bit for them, truckload guys say it's so-so, not what they want, I see it in the city side, the days are getting shorter (meaning everything is getting done quicker because there is less to do), I see the customers closing the doors, I see the dock guys going home earlier on saturday mornings because everything is done and on and on...... What's it going to be like come november- january?? A man is going to have a new truck but what about a good check? I just think some aggressive salesman would do many areas some good, maybe some new faces for the customers to see and deal with, for the price of a new truck you could hire an additional salesman and give him a company car for him to drive around it. Freight is out there, but if we dont get our share those new trucks will look good sitting on the yards or in truckstops. We drivers are responsible for trying to get sales leads but with many of those companies we dont go to we need some aggressive reps knocking on doors, not those sales guys who are hanging out in the svs ctr's cutting deals that **** off the terminal mgrs.
+1, The sales people need to get More agressive, the frt is there and WE can move it!
It would be nice if us drivers would go out of our ways to TAKE CARE of them for once!
I always took care of my truck (other than scrubbing it on the outside). Inside spotless, fluids kept full and services and little annoyance fix-it items were fixed. Now the old girl is gone.
Hey CM...... You don't need 'em...Whadaya say?

Just when you think you have seen the most ridiculous thing come out of this pathetic excuse for a company, they never fail to let us down.

Celebrate Our 40th Birthday With 40 Hours Of Service To Our Communities

The momentum is building throughout our entire network for our 40 for 40 Community Challenge!

How can you be a part of this celebration? Talk to your leadership about 40 for 40 Community Challenge projects going on at your facility. Watch for photos and stories of our team’s 40 for 40 Community Challenge projects in upcoming editions of TWOIA and Team Matters!
Tonya and I are participating with the KNX team at a local food bank to help them get ready for the holidays.
Why is this company still doing that "refresher course" thing when drivers are sitting at home waiting for miles????
Celebrate Our 40th Birthday With 40 Hours Of Service To Our Communities

The momentum is building throughout our entire network for our 40 for 40 Community Challenge!

How can you be a part of this celebration? Talk to your leadership about 40 for 40 Community Challenge projects going on at your facility. Watch for photos and stories of our team’s 40 for 40 Community Challenge projects in upcoming editions of TWOIA and Team Matters!

:6788: :6792:
Tonya and I try to do a volunteer community event a couple of times each year, especially around Christmas time.Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee - Home does a great service to our area and we were thrilled to be able to join in and plus the fact that we can hang out with my co-workers off site will be fun also.
Go for it. You can pull my citizen duty. Have zero problem with the concept but not with AE involved.
well it will be a sad day for u when u stand b4 JESUS CHRIST and he says depart from me i never knew you. i dont have enough faith to be an atheist!!
Our Bowling Green service center is making great progress on its participation in our 40 for 40 Community Challenge. Last weekend, six associates helped with a Habitat for Humanity build!

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization devoted to building decent and affordable housing for qualifying low-income families.

Homes are built using volunteer labor and are sold at no profit.

These guys picked up their paint brushes and spent a combined 32.5 hours giving back to the community. Now that's showing true Averitt spirit!

Maybe Averitt could build me a decent and affordable house (as they could for any employee) because, as we all know, we are all "low-income families" if we work for Averitt!!!!
We ? Is there a mouse in your pocket? My Shuttle salary makes my life more than comfortable, kid in college, nice cars, more square feet of living space than I need, able to invest in my retirement along with savings and the several thousand's of dollars I give to support my church, missionaries and the less fortunate. And by the way, you make alot more than I do.
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