ODFL | Reporting a Supervisor

The SCM is a dumb ass and only cares about getting freight off the dock. He complicates dispatch by opening closed trailers to stuff more freight in and he gets into pissing matches with customers. I've never seen anything like it.
I know most companies used to be that way, but i thought we were beyond that now. Im a guy and i don't like verbal abuse. I figure we all can treat each other with respect like a human being. Even if i screw up talk to me but don't yell or curse me. Somebody that verbal abuses everyone has some kind of anger issue or emotional problem. That would be someone O.D needs to have a conversation with before they go off the deep end or they escalate a situation that turns violent because of their abuse. Some managers think everyone is afraid to lose their jobs until someone calls their bluff.
If your place has a suggestion box or the human resource person has a place to leave a letter. Write an anonymous letter stating whats got everybody on edge and if it continues a lawyer may have to get involved. Type it so no one knows your hand writing, and when no is looking deposit it in said place. I have seen people do this and it either scares the management or pisses them off. Either way they squirmed some.
I'm not sure if OD still employs a third party "complaint" company but there should be a notice posted up where the other notices are posted. Might be in the drivers room. Usually if a VP is contacted they will contact the service manager and it all goes down hill from there, eventually. It was my experience that the folks that sit on the other side of the glass were mostly a bunch of scum bags. Maybe it is time for her to find another job. Usually those office jobs don't pay that well anyhow. Good luck either way.
I would be cautious with any terminal that has an HR person. I think they are there for the protection of the company as much to possibly help you. Just my 2 cents.

Maybe consult with a lawyer. Not to file any suit but just for advice guidance and documentation purposes.
I would be cautious with any terminal that has an HR person. I think they are there for the protection of the company as much to possibly help you. Just my 2 cents.

Maybe consult with a lawyer. Not to file any suit but just for advice guidance and documentation purposes.
Any public company that has HR department is there to lookout for the company not the employee.
I would be cautious with any terminal that has an HR person. I think they are there for the protection of the company as much to possibly help you. Just my 2 cents.

Maybe consult with a lawyer. Not to file any suit but just for advice guidance and documentation purposes.

Any public company that has HR department is there to lookout for the company not the employee.
Yes and sometimes protecting the company means removing a liability. Harassment is a big one, so canning an a-hole manager is a slam dunk easy call. They don’t care about him.
I've been MIA for a bit, so I missed all of this.

The manager in question is female. A lot of swearing at employees and being a bully, but when the brass shows up she's sweet as can be. I've spoken to other employees, because a lot of them are former FedEx employees or I know them from church and they all say the same thing my wife says. One person even told me "I'm this close to punching her in her face".

I've learned the HR rep is regional so not in the office. I told my wife if she's worried about a target on her back, make up an email address and report it anonymously. This happens in a room full of employees so no way to pinpoint who sent the email. She's documenting times, witnesses and places and she said she'll try to record it next time it happens, it's just hard to capture it in the moment.
I've been MIA for a bit, so I missed all of this.

The manager in question is female. A lot of swearing at employees and being a bully, but when the brass shows up she's sweet as can be. I've spoken to other employees, because a lot of them are former FedEx employees or I know them from church and they all say the same thing my wife says. One person even told me "I'm this close to punching her in her face".

I've learned the HR rep is regional so not in the office. I told my wife if she's worried about a target on her back, make up an email address and report it anonymously. This happens in a room full of employees so no way to pinpoint who sent the email. She's documenting times, witnesses and places and she said she'll try to record it next time it happens, it's just hard to capture it in the moment.
Every smart phone has I believe an audio record function. Keep your phone in a shirt pocket with audio record turned on and everything said will be recorded.
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