FedEx Freight | RIP OKC Driver

I have no words.

I get angry at such waste and know to carry my water as it were. I just have no words.

Except maybe to agree with the others calling to hang this one high.
I know OKC has a lot of Natural Gas Trucks was he in One?

Fedex Rig.

IF he was in a natgas fueled rig chances are the steam grade plumbing work would be of such quality and strength that would not be a problem generally. (Key word generally...)

However you have so much plastic around the Soot Control Emissions box which generates very high heat values. It will most certainly burn a big rig down in a hurry. It wont take much. I think they maybe using magnesium again in big rigs which would be another source of very big hot fires. Just like the oringal Bugs were in their day.
Not from OKC but I’m close to their district. If you look at the picture of the wreck, the CNG tanks were intact(black round things). The front trailer was carrying hazmat, that most likely caused the massive fire.
What a shame. R.I.P. to Sam and condolences to his family. A life needlessly taken because of another aggressive driver. When are the police going to start cracking down on these aggresive idiots driving cars?

How dare these cars and trucks violate their safe spaces divided by painted lines. Or go too fast while doing it?

How dare they?

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