In order to save money, All prepass units and Fl sunpass units will be deactivated. All scale tickets for loads will be paid for by the driver, no reimbursment. The APU'S will not be used if the temp is between 20-105 outside. All trucks will be turned down to 60 mph. All T/L drivers will be required to stay out for 2 weeks. All drivers will be required to work the dock when not driving (min 2hrs off clock).
Yes you are Maverick and I'm the guy on the left,Iceman from the movie Top Gun.
taking a picture of yourself was a very nice touch oh lord its hard to be humble when you perfect in evey way!!!;)Yes you are Maverick and I'm the guy on the left,Iceman from the movie Top Gun.
lifer i am begining to think that you are not a team player! lol! could not have said it better myself. you the man! when i was there loke you i only cleaned my windows and nothing more. are you in fla or tx? just wondering.
What the latest scoop ?
Just speaking truth to power from a realist's POV.