Averitt | Rumor Mill, Let's hear it !

Avrt is going to extend the life of the daycabs by...taking all the T/L sleeper trucks currently due to be traded in , and putting them into daily linehaul shuttle service.:bgroovy:

I am starting to think at this point that you may be right on the money. Maybe, just maybe that will keep them out of the city and if we clean it up, it will stay clean. imagine that.
The way I see it, Avrt has little choice, replacing the slpr fleet is costing big bucks, then again the RED RACERS are getting a long on the tooth, I forsee a rebuild program coming, rebuilt engines,trans,rearends, do the body work, put them back to work. The trade market for used equipment is O, Putting older splrs on linehaul/bid would extend usage and give the company time to rebuild the RACERS. Do the component rebuilds at NASH or CKV, then send them to where they are needed
I heard that Avrt is going to outsource all over the road dispatch operations to RAJ PATEL & SON's, Mumbai India. This move would enable all other functions in the new operations ctr to be moved back into the older corperate bldg, where closer controll can be conducted. The newer 2 story operations bldg, for tax purposes would be converted to a local CHURCH LADIES CTR and a MOSQUE.

So very true. Central Dispatch will consist of a dispatcher sitting on a milkcrate in the desert speaking through a dixie cup. He flips a switch to go to Averitt Central after he gets done with Microsoft.

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SLAVERITT still has alot of issues as I read. I couldn't stand
J.W. in dallas he didn't know how to treat people right thats why a dock worker knocked him out the door.
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SLAVERITT still has alot of issues as I read. I couldn't stand
J.W. in dallas he didn't know how to treat people right thats why a dock worker knocked him out the door.

I remember that happening! He deserved every bit of it. However, it didn't change him.

I remember a driver being ready to go with bills in hand being sent in to talk to him and wasting 45 minutes of valuable freight-down-the-road time listening to this buffoon giving him the what for over the fact that he was wearing a collarless Averitt shirt. He's lucky he didn't get a visit with the floor that night!!!
I remember that happening! He deserved every bit of it. However, it didn't change him.

I remember a driver being ready to go with bills in hand being sent in to talk to him and wasting 45 minutes of valuable freight-down-the-road time listening to this buffoon giving him the what for over the fact that he was wearing a collarless Averitt shirt. He's lucky he didn't get a visit with the floor that night!!!

Read the uniform policy. I would send him home.
But the load would have missed the almighty yet superfluous cut time and the entire house of cards would tumble to the ground. And with all of the people that I see wearing these ugly as hell shorts, somebody needs to quickly go to work on the "uniform" policy. 50% of those that wear these ridiculous looking shorts aren't smart enough to realize that they look like bumbling buffoons with the shorts on. It may possibly help if they would walk up to the "uniformity" mirror (another joke in itself) and look at how much of a dumb a$$ they look like.

NEVER EVER will you EVER catch me in a pair of them.
I don't like the no-tucks. The hottest shirts in the world. Though I do have some button ups, I mainly wear the pullover knit shirts.
We have had a couple of those days already this year. Way earlier than normal. Maybe its that scam called global warming.
The election is 1 week from today! Get your butt out and vote. Remember what has happened to your country over the last 21 months.
I voted 2 weeks ago we have early voting in Tennessee...there was a line of about 200 people all white elderly folks...
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