Simple question , Would you do trucking again if you had a life do over ?

Would you do trucking again if you had a life do over ?

  • YES

  • NO

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Yes….but like Breeze said, if I was 20 years older…
Always thought I’d work until 70 because I enjoyed it. But I gotta say, I’m enjoying this furlough too much. I’m dreading going back….lol. Maybe I’m just being a 55 year old curmudgeon, but I’m not liking the future of my company………or the coun……I’ll stop now……. :438:
Yes….but like Breeze said, if I was 20 years older…
Always thought I’d work until 70 because I enjoyed it. But I gotta say, I’m enjoying this furlough too much. I’m dreading going back….lol. Maybe I’m just being a 55 year old curmudgeon, but I’m not liking the future of my company………or the coun……I’ll stop now……. :438:
Thanks Sideways
At one time I love doing it. Over the years more and more reqs and company BS had made job not what it was when I started. I like the part were you didn't have you boss looking over your shoulder and the freedoms that came with this job. Now with tracking and cameras the fun has ended.
I'm now after 30+yrs I'm in the process of hang up my trucker hat, keys, and 5th wheel puller and becoming a clock puncher
Coming from the son of a Teamster, I have been ‘in and out of trucking’ since my mid 20’s. Driving dump truck/laborer, for an asphalt co., self employed with straight truck fuel delivery, 13+ years linehaul in LTL, now going on 10+ years hauling fuel(semi & straight truck) as company driver.
If I had a ‘do over’? I would explore the RR. Start young get my 25 years in, then do other things for the rest of my life.
Trucking does take too much time away from family, my father was an otr teamster, at least I managed to avoid that! lol. But that 13 yr stint working nites, altho good pay, as time goes on I regret it more and more.
Yes….but like Breeze said, if I was 20 years older…
Always thought I’d work until 70 because I enjoyed it. But I gotta say, I’m enjoying this furlough too much. I’m dreading going back….lol. Maybe I’m just being a 55 year old curmudgeon, but I’m not liking the future of my company………or the coun……I’ll stop now……. :438:
MRS. BD told you to get off the couch huh? :17142:
I started in Trucking right out of H.S. First Job was on the Dock. After working on the Dock, I learned how to Spot, Got pretty good at that and the T.M sent me down to get my CDL. At that time it was a class D. For the next 20 years I loved my Job and was good at it. Today experience means nothing to all these Freight Companies, And a Happy employee needs to be dealt with. All these Companies want their Employees to receive the Midas touch, Meaning they want a Muffler over all the Employees mouths, For that reason, If I had to choose a Job these Days...No way would I be in Trucking, There's too many Wanna Be Genius's in Management
This is what I would have done for a living if I didn't truck. :17142:
I probably wouldn't want to drive a truck in my next life, I've already run over. For example, my son is graduating from university and works as a freelancer on the Write A Paragraph For Me - Top Help for Students website helping students with their homework. Their site works great, their essays always get top marks. Thanks to him, I understood the charms of remote work, and I thought that it might be interesting. It would be possible to travel with a laptop by train or plane and combine it with work. That's what I would definitely like to do if I could choose.

Not the worst option :biggrin new:
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