SAIA | Strange but true ???

  1. Baked beans are actually not baked, but stewed.
  2. Daddy longlegs have penises, which technically makes them not a spider
  3. Even though Froot Loops are different colors, they all have exactly the same flavor. :1sm057crazy:
You better keep your day job, in the Carolinas, we add diced onions, diced bell pepper, honey and bake them.
Glad you woke up, I was afraid you rolled thru a stop sign and got fired.
Train has a camera on his stop sign, says he is willing to sell pics to Saia for a fee.
You got too much time on, playing with spider goobers!
Just gotta keep you retirees fresh cause I know your all doing word books and sudoku while I pump money into your SS.

There you go with a .35 word, had to google that one.
BTW, thanks for the SS help, you know CS will be broke in a few years, may need to sell pencils.
  1. Baked beans are actually not baked, but stewed.
  2. Daddy longlegs have penises, which technically makes them not a spider
  3. Even though Froot Loops are different colors, they all have exactly the same flavor. :1sm057crazy:
And all this time I thought I was smacking a spider. Now you tell me it has been a bunch of Tallywackers? von.
It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?