Street Shots

Road Dust

Mrs Ricky Ricardo
You never know what you might see while traveling. Do you have any pics you or someone you know has taken from the road? Post actual images, not something found online. I have a nice collection sent to me by someone I know as well as ones I have taken myself.

I got this one while riding up l-65 towards Nashville one rainy day, and no I wasn't driving at the time :)

On the front of my house...many moons ago

You never know what you might see while traveling. Do you have any pics you or someone you know has taken from the road? Post actual images, not something found online. I have a nice collection sent to me by someone I know as well as ones I have taken myself.

I got this one while riding up l-65 towards Nashville one rainy day, and no I wasn't driving at the time :)

That looks like the hood of a yellow Mustang.
A windmill farm north of Indy on I-65


What's left of a car after hitting a truck parked on the shoulder. I-85 N of Charlotte

You never know what you might see while traveling. Do you have any pics you or someone you know has taken from the road? Post actual images, not something found online. I have a nice collection sent to me by someone I know as well as ones I have taken myself.

I got this one while riding up l-65 towards Nashville one rainy day, and no I wasn't driving at the time :)

I think I saw that
The Chugwater Soda Fountain in Chugwater, Wyoming. The only place to get Chugwater Chili, the best chili in Chugwater. Easy off and on from interstate 25, exit 54 Northbound, exit 57 Southbound.


This is the oldest continuously operating soda fountain in the state of Wyoming.

The legend goes that the local Indians would stampede buffalo off of the nearby buttes causing them to fall to their death, that they were too lazy (or smart) to actually hunt them. Then they would simply go to the foot of the cliffs to skin and cut up the carcasses.
Sonora Pass. Don't try this in a 295 inch wheel base semi, especially hauling explosives on a 48' spread.


Yes, that says 26%.


Only 25% going down.





But if we didn't try it, we would have never seen these breath taking views.



I can be a tree hugger too...


Sonora Pass. Don't try this in a 295 inch wheel base semi, especially hauling explosives on a 48' spread.

Since you are posting this, and it is clear by the shadows and the hood mirror in the one photo, you did just that.

What a stud.
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