Superior Fast Freight


Just passing thru on my way home
They were a fixture on the west coast as a freight forwarding company that had tremendous service that helped them through deregulation. At one time as a family owned company they thrived like many company's did but over expansion led to their collapse in 1995. The bean counters wanted to expand nationwide, which the owners went along with, abandoning their business model of running the western states and failure was the result.
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They were a fixture on the west coast as a freight forwarding company that had tremendous service that helped them through deregulation. At one time as a family owned company they thrived like many company's did but over expansion led to their collapse in 1995. The bean counters wanted to expand nationwide, which the owners went along with, abandoning their business model of running the western states and failure was the result.
They should have learned from Maislin on the east coast, same plan, same failure.
They should have learned from Maislin on the east coast, same plan, same failure.
You know, I think the eighties must have corrupted all these business people's minds. You just mentioned 2 carriers who thought they could do it all. But there was Viking, and their expansion would have driven them out of business also. Fedex or their predessor RPS I think literally on a Friday afternoon bought them otherwise that was going to be it. And that's just 3, I'm sure in the next couple of days my brain cells will get together and remind me of more.
I can distinctly remember a meeting at Maislin where executives told us about the Gateway purchase and that we were going to be coast to coast with the big boys, Roadway, CF, Yellow, and that we should go out and buy boats, cars, motorcycles, etc., because times were looking great for us. Yes, how did that turn out?
I can distinctly remember a meeting at Maislin where executives told us about the Gateway purchase and that we were going to be coast to coast with the big boys, Roadway, CF, Yellow, and that we should go out and buy boats, cars, motorcycles, etc., because times were looking great for us. Yes, how did that turn out?
Is that when you bought that row boat to go crabbbing in the hackensack river? :lmao:
:hide: :6817:
I can distinctly remember a meeting at Maislin where executives told us about the Gateway purchase and that we were going to be coast to coast with the big boys, Roadway, CF, Yellow, and that we should go out and buy boats, cars, motorcycles, etc., because times were looking great for us. Yes, how did that turn out?
Gateway, wasn't that where Hoffa was supposed to be, in a drum on their dock? Wait! maybe it's better i don't know
another, Raiders Express, J.C., N.J.
Raiders moved to the old Acme Fast Freight terminal on 69th st in North Bergen. Then went oob. Knew the kid, literally a kid who was the TM there. But if you know about Raiders, you know who was behind it. And I did not know that about Port Motor Lines, Tri. Learn something every day!
Big Dave reminded me that Superior fast freight had a sister co. Super Cal with same style equipment and style of logo. The owners had all the rigs washed every weekend so they always looked good. They provided drivers & dock hands uniforms so they were a class act.
They were a fixture on the west coast as a freight forwarding company that had tremendous service that helped them through deregulation. At one time as a family owned company they thrived like many company's did but over expansion led to their collapse in 1995. The bean counters wanted to expand nationwide, which the owners went along with, abandoning their business model of running the western states and failure was the result.
I’m from the Los Angeles area I got my start with them as a casual driver. Short time they were not hiring full time. But I love that company

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