The Best is Yet to Come!

The speaker has a nice ear ring. Jimmy Hoffa would be proud,organizer with an ear ring.
Come on...if you have something to say do it on the content of the video...don't attack the speaker. Who would make you happy? Did you listen to NCT management screw you over or did you just stare at the earring? The "Speaker" has given you guys proof and you still are blind to the facts...LISTEN to NCT SCREW you all OVER!!!
5 posts ? really ? management troll !!! they cannot hear NCTY screw them as they accept the crap sandwich and love it.
The sound bytes in there were great really edited for the content he union wanted to show ... Kind of drawing to their cause
I didn't think you had a competent answer for that,

Getting desperate with DVDs and cute mailings
Do you honestly think we edited and put voices in? Do you really think NCT hasn't screwed you over and over again? What are YOU scared of Jbusy12? Are you leaving once the Union gets in? Kind of scary that if you aren't in the office you are actually a wouldn't have any of your fellow drivers backs if they needed're too self absorbed to care what happens to anyone else but yourself.
Again there buddy, I've worked for unions before and it's total BS, they pamper you a little and then ur S.o.l.
My family and I have been in the Union and you are totally wrong.... But I can name numerous times NCT gave us a bunch of BS!
5 years in the union, and I got screwed I just don't want to see the same turnaround here, different experiences but it's a possibility
JBusy12...I respect that you had a bad experience....but I feel putting hope into our future for a better life is worth the risk. We will never get it with NCT. The Union works for us....we are the boss. I truly wish you only the best my friend and hope that you give 107 a chance.
I won't personally attack Mr. Pirate for the fine choice of ear attire.

But I will attack to bs way they presented the lies in the DVD. For us that were at the meeting it was not said that way we know the truth.

Do you know the truth ?? Don't be a sheep get the truth don't believe the lies from the teamsters.

I won't personally attack Mr. Pirate for the fine choice of ear attire.

But I will attack to bs way they presented the lies in the DVD. For us that were at the meeting it was not said that way we know the truth.

Do you know the truth ?? Don't be a sheep get the truth don't believe the lies from the teamsters.

Why do you think these are lies? Is it because you are F.B. or J.M. or someone that is up their a**? VOTE YES TO A BETTER LIFE AND DON'T LISTEN TO MANAGEMENT OR MANAGEMENT a**-KISSERS!
Sorry kid it's the truth I was at the meeting and saw the DVD and laughed. All the teamster well Chris did was twist words and distort the truth. Were you at the meeting ?
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