Yellow | The party is over for all Y'all vaccinated hands

I tried to upload the graph from the CDC showing they know the PCR test is 95% inaccurate from their site in March 2020 when they required hospitals send positive tests to them for retest. After I clicked upload, it didn't upload and I completely lost the ability to upload images. It loaded this time in the next post. This is the lie you have been fed. Look at the hospital positive rate versus the CDC positive rate of the same test. Read where the CDC says we are going to stop testing because they want to be IGNORANT OF FACT. For reference, the little blue line at the bottom is actual positives versus the orange which are inaccurate ones. The shaded area is when the CDC realized they had a credibility problem and listed the tests received after they stopped testing for accuracy. I'd be happy to share with anyone doubting it.
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For those of you like Triplex unable to read graphs. The orange bar is the number of tests sent to the CDC for retest as covid positive. The little itty bitty blue line at the bottom is the actual number of real positives determined by the CDC. So when it became clear the test was about 95% innacurate, they immediately decided to stop retesting the positives. This is reflected in the gray area with orange which were lab submissions not retested past that date. I taught you how to read a graph Triplex. Maybe you'll understand your ELD now. I assume you re drinking your Kool Aid again today. That is why it says it was ... (QUOTE) updated to reflect the day it was received by the CDC, instead of when they were collected from the patient. Use of the specimen receipt date better reflects when specimens became available for testing by the CDC Labs. Reporting public health labs are 49 state public health labs in 49 states...[It then lists the states]. Non respiratory specimens were excluded. For state public health labs, the date of sample collection, or if available date the date tested. For CDC labs the date, the date represents the date the sample was received at the CDC. Results reported on March 29th are included. (END QUOTE) It then lists the states. If they had not immediately removed it like they do other information reported by the public proving their duplicity, I could just take you to the link, which they removed in April 2020. I'm more than willing to go through the massive conglomeration of information I gathered on the topic from numerous countries while on ESL. It becomes tricky because the governments remove or relocate the information to a different place on their sites, when the evidence comes to light by researchers.
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