This Weeks Crossword Answers

Does the other side of the coin have his hat on it? Or was there not enough room to get the full effect?
There was room alright, sadly the morning the engraver stopped by to capture Big Dave at his best it was right after he got the numbers on the latest mirror warehouse inventory numbers, it barely looks like him because he was one gloomy Gus......see.... not a good likeness at all, so they made Rusty the front of the coin, and he looks awesome....doesn't he.

There was room alright, sadly the morning the engraver stopped by to capture Big Dave at his best it was right after he got the numbers on the latest mirror warehouse inventory numbers, it barely looks like him because he was one gloomy Gus......see.... not a good likeness at all, so they made Rusty the front of the coin, and he looks awesome....doesn't he.

I have heard about “bit-coin”. These look more like “Bastard-Coin”.
Sad day for the K-man..... the home away from home is being torn down to make to room for housing for a bunch of coagulated gravy hot-dog bun bastards that want to pay rent....sob sob
From steaks to stakes at former Lakeside Club site

An apartment building is planned at the old Lakeside Club site in White Bear Lake.
Wow....we've been hearing a ton about layoffs... this article from the WBL daily paper recaps some of the companies that are trimming staff, I'll have to Twitter Big Dave to get the scoop.