This Weeks Crossword Answers

So I'm down in Mason City at the Hardee's when this thing rolls by, so I quick inhale my Western Bacon burger and tracked the guy down when he pulled in for gas at Art's 66, it was Paul Jr. with his newest creation for delivery, for as he put it "some trucking company exec down in Cedar Rapids"......hmmmmmm..... definitely got the right motif...don't you think?
With driver appreciation week just ahead and around the corner here's calendar confused Coop Logistics media manager Donny to say a few words about it as it nears.
Wowser....just read an article in the life style section of the Cedar Rapids Sunday Chronicle about a new restaurant that just guess who???.....yep's kind of cross between a buffet and water park and if you're so inclined you can even catch your own seafood, Bravo BD Bravo!!!
Is that his hat he is sitting in?
Actually the guys in the Coop's shop fashion "Dave's dinner dinghy's" out of the crates that mirrors come in, they always seems to have an endless supply of them...what's up with that?
Is that, Hoops, and Richard Head?