This Weeks Crossword Answers

How odd....nobody even attempted to change my mind yet.......oh....and FYI BD's "awesome beet burgers" cost me a trip to the ER....seems their aftermath are easily confused with a colon aneurism.......bastard.
BD has a seed rack in his office too. He hangs his hat on it when someone comes in to cover it up.
Look what I found at the C-store just down the street from the Lakeside, turns out Big Dave has partnered with Glovnad and Blabakov to import this energy drink that the Moldo's just love, you can see they're looking to lock horns with Red Bull....Good Luck BD. (see photo below)
Shiver me timbers.... it's once again "New Ice Cream Sundae"(clever...I know) and BD hit it out the terminal parking lot with this one.
I heard they were making this at the Ridge Popcorn Flavoring plant in Stanwood, Iowa, which is a suburb of Clarence???