This Weeks Crossword Answers

Well the weekend is over and it's back to work for BD, seen below tasting proposed new flavor extracts for the popcorn....FYI... much to the disappointment of many the "BBQ Beet" is a no!
Wowsereno....Just got off the phone with Donna, who just off the phone with Wong, and it seems with all this "lets go Brandon" stuff going on Wong is at his wits end trying to explain to his partner that when motorists holler "lets go BRG!!" they actual mean "lets go!", Donna hoped that having me posting it here on TB the bagged one might see it and get the message....who know if he'll see it.
Wowsereno....Just got off the phone with Donna, who just off the phone with Wong, and it seems with all this "lets go Brandon" stuff going on Wong is at his wits end trying to explain to his partner that when motorists holler "lets go BRG!!" they actual mean "lets go!", Donna hoped that having me posting it here on TB the bagged one might see it and get the message....who know if he'll see it.
My partner and I are working hard trying to move those containers out of Clinton. We just dropped a load of Lava Lamps off at Mystic’s DC in Ft Worth, and now heading to Amarillo for a reload of powdered popcorn…
My partner and I are working hard trying to move those containers out of Clinton. We just dropped a load of Lava Lamps off at Mystic’s DC in Ft Worth, and now heading to Amarillo for a reload of powdered popcorn…
With you fellas driving the wheels off that rig I'm suppose to remind you that BD scheduled a PM for your guy's truck in Amarillo, he said these guys are real pros....they must of snuck in with their tools.
With the vaccination mandate deadline looming we see Big Dave as he examines the employee's vaccination record cards.......and we also see Big Dave really scrutinizing this one which happens to be written out on what appears to be piece of a brown paper bag......hmmmm.
With the vaccination mandate deadline looming we see Big Dave as he examines the employee's vaccination record cards.......and we also see Big Dave really scrutinizing this one which happens to be written out on what appears to be piece of a brown paper bag......hmmmm.
When he saw that the team vaccinated all 46, gold hotels, he was P-O’d!