This Weeks Crossword Answers

Wowser... Dateline Cedar Rapids Iowa: Troubling news for local business mogul, fatcat, entrepreneur, big shot Big Dave (the bastard with the hat) seems the pilots of his Air Express division have voted to go on strike in a push for what one Coop pilot descibed as "some stuff like that one other company's pilots want..... ...... ohhhh and maybe some new propellers". No strike date has been set, stay tuned for updates. ( file photo below: Clarence International Airport)
Dave's personal plane in for a tuneup
Perfect kick-off to Clarence's "Concerts In The Park" series, an annual summertime activity, It was a concert featuring Big Dave, brother Big Don, their violins, and their renditions of todays biggest hits from both country and western music, with free beet/lemonade and a bottle rocket display during the grand finale at sunset.
I know most of you don't know this happened on Monday, but BRG and Big Dave got into a big argument about the "team" getting a new gold hotel, BD said "hey man at this time it's not in the budget", so BRG said "fine I'll get my own new truck.... ya cheap bastard"..... so he did. She's kinda of a a weird off putting sort of way, but nicely optioned, cool name!!!, governed right on the nose at 45.99999 MPH, large condiment bin for Wong, smaller more industructible mirrors, and the best feature is right hand-drive so the Bag can get up close and personable with those passing on the right wilst he hangs out in the left lane. (see photo below)
Jorge must be hauling lumber in Canada now? The news article read, The Public Works dept will be investigating the cause of the crash? Wood floor bridge, in rural area, gravel road leading up to it? What could possibly have caused this?
Jorge must be hauling lumber in Canada now? The news article read, The Public Works dept will be investigating the cause of the crash? Wood floor bridge, in rural area, gravel road leading up to it? What could possibly have caused this?
I wonder what that outfit scaled out at? looks heavy....... ohh....and in Canada Jorge would appreciate it if you included his middle initial when referring to him, I think it's an "A".
I wonder what that outfit scaled out at? looks heavy....... ohh....and in Canada Jorge would appreciate it if you included his middle initial when referring to him, I think it's an "A".
Thought the same thing. Maybe a few hundred extra board feet on there?