
TB Lurker
wake up no voters! Is yes vote or bk and you will lose your job.
again. It would be proactive and intelligent to let survive our great company
wake up no voters! Is yes vote or bk and you will lose your job.
again. It would be proactive and intelligent to let survive our great company

How many times can you be fed the same story & forced in fear against your better judgement & vote Yes for something that you know is wrong, but your fear controls you & here we are 5 years later losing money, benefits & time with family while the company "supposedly" loses money yet the execs keep getting richer & richer. I beg you all to go pull up the SEC Filings of YRC & see who's profiting over & over again. read through the last 5 years & see who continues to thrive while you've given back 3 BILLION DOLLARS. Stop this EXTORTION We keep losing rights & voting for it. NOW they don't even Negotiate they just tell you what to take & how to vote ......Make them find another way, this isn't about debt this about keep you where you belong & becoming indentured servants to the big boss man
In the rules of conduct in the NLRB.There are several rules of law regarding the actions and behavior of a company or company official and also there is laws there to regarding actions and behavior on behalf of a union or union officials. It is clearly there for all to read and digest.Threats of any kind like threats of closing or filing for bankruptcy to coerce a union member(s) to vote a certain way is illegal.

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.Threats of any kind like threats of closing or filing for bankruptcy to coerce a union member(s) to vote a certain way is illegal.

This may be true, but it has been used before, is supposidly being used now, and possibly will be used in the future. Now, why do they like using this tactic? Because it works. Good luck, hope you all make the right decision this time.
wake up no voters! Is yes vote or bk and you will lose your job.
again. It would be proactive and intelligent to let survive our great company

WRONG !! with 3 of the 4 companies making money the banks are NOT going to shut it down , and what about plan B ?? IF you say yes this time again they will be right back in year asking for more again & in 2019 asking for more back again , its NOT going to shut down , we got suckered into a yes vote in 2009 2010 and cry wolf same again !!! DUH
Read what welch said in the Kansas city business journal. He said to the paper that they would negotiate with the banks and not consider bk. So there is a plan B right out of his own mouth. JUST SAY NO!
Jim boy is balancing 3 balls, the union, the banks and the customers, he has to play down the bankruptcy talk in the media to keep the customers from fleeing.
Think about it, if the customers flee fearing a closing over union action or bankruptcy and loss of their freight they are going to use another carrier the vote won't matter because we'll be toast before February.
At the same time he playing up to the banks that all is rosy in YRC land and the employees are behind him 100% while convincing the employees that it's the mean old banks and their interest rates that are causing the problem.
Then he should never have started down this road to begin with. If he wanted a 2 year extention he would have easily gotten it I believe. But they got greedy and now they got to live with it. ABF didn't lose a lot of customers when they tried their beg back.
I'm not saying he did this correctly, like everything else that comes out of KC it's thrown together, late, not completely thought out, untested, and needs to fixed before it's workable but we're charging ahead anyway......................
I spoke with a Union steward in Wheeling, and I was handed a labor board sheet where he said, If you think the Union is not representing you,then file a complaint! Vote NO!

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