Type 2 Diabetes and Trucking

everyones blood glucose rises after a meal , the difference between a Diabetic and a Non-Diabetic is how long it takes to drop down. Every carb you eat contributes to your blood sugar , the less carbs you eat the easier to manage the blood sugar, I don't recommend 0 carb diets or all meat diets etc ... Oh you can lose weight but you will get bored with it. I shoot for about 40 carbs per day. I source those carbs from mostly great sources like green leafy vegs, I get most of my carbs from low carb sugar free sauces I use to prepare food for flavor but read the label on the serving size. A Great low carb meal is a Cheeseburger keto style. All that is is the way you would usually make your burger but instead of a bun a big leaf of romaine lettuce on each side in place of the bun. Very filling and satisfying and delicious just find 0 sugar ketchup . Cheese has almost 0 carbs (not light cheese full fat cheese is all you should eat , if it says "Light " on the label they have replaced it with carbs ) Fat is not your enemy and when you don't eat alot of carbs, Fat will not make you FAT. Dill pickles almost 0 carbs Mayo (not light) almost 0 carbs, lettuce very few carbs, onion very few, mustard very few carbs. etc.
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I have diabetes is from insulin resistance.

To explain this the way I learned it is we all have beta cells , Imagine beta cells as a small round house with a small door on them, when you eat carbs they make blood glucose and is stored in these beta cells. Now your pancreas decides how much insulin to secrete into your blood, the harder the doors are to open the more insulin your pancreas has to make to open them. Obesity adds to the insulins ability to open these doors on your beta cells. The first drug they will give you is Metformin and it's job is to make those beta cell doors open easier requiring less insulin to work efficiently. Sometimes they will give you pills to make your pancreas secrete more insulin. Then they may prescribe you a one time per week injectable like Ozempic or Trulicity (it is not insulin and you can drive a truck and use it) Trulicity and OZ works by slowing down the digestion in your stomach causing you to feel fuller and usually lose weight.
we need nowhere as much food as we eat to remain healthy , best option I think is 2 meals a day eat every 12 hours Breakfast and supper like 7am and 7pm
Do whatever you can do to avoid becoming insulin dependent. Once there, the maintenance and monitoring becomes 10 times more difficult to control it. Even if you do keep it under control, it is not uncommon for stress and other factors to send your blood sugars over 400 or even 500. Then, you are spending all day trying to get your blood sugar under control and peeing on keto-strips checking for signs of keto acidosis. Below is a picture of the devil my wife must dance with multiple times a day.

3 best ways to decrease BG is to
Eat low glycemic foods (body has to work harder to break down food so it slows the process)
Lower your weight (This will decrease insulin resistance in your beta cells making the insulin your body produces work more efficiently)
Exercise ( delivers blood glucose to muscles and uses them for energy)

Glycemic Index will help you know what to eat and avoid
Do whatever you can do to avoid becoming insulin dependent. Once there, the maintenance and monitoring becomes 10 times more difficult to control it. Even if you do keep it under control, it is not uncommon for stress and other factors to send your blood sugars over 400 or even 500. Then, you are spending all day trying to get your blood sugar under control and peeing on keto-strips checking for signs of keto acidosis. Below is a picture of the devil my wife must dance with multiple times a day.

Thank God for the long lasting insulin and the tiny needles.
This is a great thread ! I currently am okay but things can sneak up on you as we age. I have to go to Doc 3-4 times a year and they watch very close , Jeff and you guys have brought some light to something many of the members have or may end up having because of continued poor food choices . I'm super careful about what I eat and lost over 100 pounds .
This is a great thread ! I currently am okay but things can sneak up on you as we age. I have to go to Doc 3-4 times a year and they watch very close , Jeff and you guys have brought some light to something many of the members have or may end up having because of continued poor food choices . I'm super careful about what I eat and lost over 100 pounds .
It's more genetics than food choices. Eating doughnuts all day does not cause Diabetes or drinking coke or pepsi all day. Weight magnifies the chances more but being fat does not mean you will ever have Diabetes but it does increase your odds.
It's more genetics than food choices. Eating doughnuts all day does not cause Diabetes or drinking coke or pepsi all day. Weight magnifies the chances more but being fat does not mean you will ever have Diabetes but it does increase your odds.
My mom was proof of that...she drank a six pack (or more) of Pepsi every day, and ate all kinds of sugary junk food....she was not heavy at all....when she was in the hospital before she passed I was shocked when the Dr. told me she was not diabetic.... I always figured she was, just undiagnosed, as she didn't go to the doctors....
My mom was proof of that...she drank a six pack (or more) of Pepsi every day, and ate all kinds of sugary junk food....she was not heavy at all....when she was in the hospital before she passed I was shocked when the Dr. told me she was not diabetic.... I always figured she was, just undiagnosed, as she didn't go to the doctors....
lots of old people get whats called adult onset diabetes, Mostly is due to age
This is a great thread ! I currently am okay but things can sneak up on you as we age. I have to go to Doc 3-4 times a year and they watch very close , Jeff and you guys have brought some light to something many of the members have or may end up having because of continued poor food choices . I'm super careful about what I eat and lost over 100 pounds .
I wish you continued success... I wouldn't wish diabetes on anyone..