ABF | ue's treated like second class citizen


TB Lurker
Is it just me. we go out and run close to what a road man runs on turns, but yet we get hand me down equipment. After three years on the road, the trucks are sent to the city because they are deemed no longer reliable for the road. Then send a memo to give them to the longest ue run WTF.
Now to put the icing on the cake, they're not going to bother to turn them up to 65, so now we have to wait till the 17's cycle in. With most of us running at max weight nightly, we'll have to wait three more years to see a screw.
Is it just me. we go out and run close to what a road man runs on turns, but yet we get hand me down equipment. After three years on the road, the trucks are sent to the city because they are deemed no longer reliable for the road. Then send a memo to give them to the longest ue run WTF.
Now to put the icing on the cake, they're not going to bother to turn them up to 65, so now we have to wait till the 17's cycle in. With most of us running at max weight nightly, we'll have to wait three more years to see a screw.
Their is no reason why they can't put new tractors in satellite terminals, but we both know this company would rather trip over dollars to pick up pennies....
Is it just me. we go out and run close to what a road man runs on turns, but yet we get hand me down equipment. After three years on the road, the trucks are sent to the city because they are deemed no longer reliable for the road. Then send a memo to give them to the longest ue run WTF.
Now to put the icing on the cake, they're not going to bother to turn them up to 65, so now we have to wait till the 17's cycle in. With most of us running at max weight nightly, we'll have to wait three more years to see a screw.
I think you saw the screw already
welcome to road drivers world. crap hours, crap home time, and driving 2 turned up trucks, mack, and frtliner, 63 on gps, so 2 mph increase. verified, turned up. beauty of it, you can bid off your ue run, were stuck.
Is it just me. we go out and run close to what a road man runs on turns, but yet we get hand me down equipment. After three years on the road, the trucks are sent to the city because they are deemed no longer reliable for the road. Then send a memo to give them to the longest ue run WTF.
Now to put the icing on the cake, they're not going to bother to turn them up to 65, so now we have to wait till the 17's cycle in. With most of us running at max weight nightly, we'll have to wait three more years to see a screw.
Is your UE run paid by the hour or do you get mileage pay?
it's grandfathered in under the original deal. Mileage and hourly or straight hourly, which ever pays more. If I can get out on time make my via both ways (up and Back) and don't get held up at the exchange point. I can do it in around 11 hours then the mileage pays better and I'm home more, but when you go over that the overtime pay eats into the mileage to much.
it's grandfathered in under the original deal. Mileage and hourly or straight hourly, which ever pays more. If I can get out on time make my via both ways (up and Back) and don't get held up at the exchange point. I can do it in around 11 hours then the mileage pays better and I'm home more, but when you go over that the overtime pay eats into the mileage to much.
Yep, your screwed even more than road drivers. No way you can get a 1700 road tractor? It was my understanding (rumor and hearsay) that the smaller terminals UE drivers got to pick your own tractors (you run at night and management works during the day). If not a 1700 at least a fast city truck? You have to have seniority to be grandfathered in.
Yep, your screwed even more than road drivers. No way you can get a 1700 road tractor? It was my understanding (rumor and hearsay) that the smaller terminals UE drivers got to pick your own tractors (you run at night and management works during the day). If not a 1700 at least a fast city truck? You have to have seniority to be grandfathered in.
Have the newest one, a 16 with 415000 miles
Is it just me. we go out and run close to what a road man runs on turns, but yet we get hand me down equipment. After three years on the road, the trucks are sent to the city because they are deemed no longer reliable for the road. Then send a memo to give them to the longest ue run WTF.
Now to put the icing on the cake, they're not going to bother to turn them up to 65, so now we have to wait till the 17's cycle in. With most of us running at max weight nightly, we'll have to wait three more years to see a screw.[/QUOTE
Our fast city truck is an old Sterling 66mph rode like a friggin' Haywagon! The high beams would pop on and off all night long even after the switch was replaced twice. Ran it through Connecticut to 408 off and on for 6 years. Lost the cruise every 3 weeks. I picked up more boyfriends along rest areas with them high beams going Disco on me than I care to remember! Still have nightmares of some of the BMW's pulling up beside me with the dome light on! Not to mention some of Ct's finest with someone pulled over in the breakdown lane and I'm flashing my beams off and on at him. They only grabbed me once on 395 and I told him the story and he bought it! I guess who heads into a Trooper flashing their lights? City sucks but I get 8 hours sleep every day. Always look for the good in what ya do or what ya "have" to do!
Our fast city truck is an old Sterling 66mph rode like a friggin' Haywagon! The high beams would pop on and off all night long even after the switch was replaced twice. Ran it through Connecticut to 408 off and on for 6 years. Lost the cruise every 3 weeks. I picked up more boyfriends along rest areas with them high beams going Disco on me than I care to remember! Still have nightmares of some of the BMW's pulling up beside me with the dome light on! Not to mention some of Ct's finest with someone pulled over in the breakdown lane and I'm flashing my beams off and on at him. They only grabbed me once on 395 and I told him the story and he bought it! I guess who heads into a Trooper flashing their lights? City sucks but I get 8 hours sleep every day. Always look for the good in what ya do or what ya "have" to do!

Oh, Good Grief!...You should be able to file a Grievance for Pain, Suffering, and Emotional Trauma.........

Sounds like you've got Larry, Daryll, and Daryll working on your fleet maintenance up there.
Not that it was any better at the big breakbulks........We had a tractor blowing gallons of oil out the breather tube,.....an International city unit doing a lot of inadvertent road work........

Sent it to Dayton,.........and they sent it back after two weeks,........(..wait for it..).........with an OIL JUG ZIP-TIED TO THE BREATHER TUBE!...........To,...uhh,....catch the overflow.......

Got to post the pictures someday.........

Yeah,........The "Constipation State" is probably the last state I would be wanting to drive in flashing my lights,..........Seeing one of those BMW's pulling into Fairyland Pickle Park right behind you,.....would give me chronic shy-bladder disease......
Have to start carrying a gallon milk jug..........(..Don't forget to empty it right where the TM parks his car.......)(....and I hope it ain't a BMW...).....
Oh yeah on the jug, ya don't want to be drinking the Gatorade from my tractor. After about 50 yrs old the hold button starts to fail a bit. Some people look for the exits old folks look for the bathrooms or anything that will suffice. Doc says it's worse on truckdrivers,sees alot of kidneys, bladders and backs. The maintenance guys are actually pretty good but they are micro-managed from above. No OEM parts, ABF will look for something cheaper even if the tractor sits for 3 weeks. Even better like you said coat-hangers, twist-ties or anything that will get her back out on the road for one more day!
You’re up late tonight, canary!

Yeah,........We got a bat in the house,......Wife barricaded in the bedroom...........I’m dressed in son’s catcher’s mask and heavy winter coat and welder’s gloves and two tennis racquets........

Have been chasing the little rotten sonofagun for the last couple of hours. Every 20 minutes he dive-bombs the living room....

I swear both the bat and our cat are laughing at me.........The cat seems to show up precisely just before the bat swoops in from the dining room, and tries to trip me up while I swing wildly and pirouette across the living room turning the air around me blue with language I haven’t used since night shift loading dock........

The cat’s on borrowed time..........My next move is the shotgun,....and the cat don’t know it has .....two barrels........
Yeah,........We got a bat in the house,......Wife barricaded in the bedroom...........I’m dressed in son’s catcher’s mask and heavy winter coat and welder’s gloves and two tennis racquets........

Have been chasing the little rotten sonofagun for the last couple of hours. Every 20 minutes he dive-bombs the living room....

I swear both the bat and our cat are laughing at me.........The cat seems to show up precisely just before the bat swoops in from the dining room, and tries to trip me up while I swing wildly and pirouette across the living room turning the air around me blue with language I haven’t used since night shift loading dock........

The cat’s on borrowed time..........My next move is the shotgun,....and the cat don’t know it has .....two barrels........

Please upload to YouTube.
You’ll be an ‘overnight’ sensation!
Prolly make the evening news.
Yeah,........We got a bat in the house,......Wife barricaded in the bedroom...........I’m dressed in son’s catcher’s mask and heavy winter coat and welder’s gloves and two tennis racquets........

Have been chasing the little rotten sonofagun for the last couple of hours. Every 20 minutes he dive-bombs the living room....

I swear both the bat and our cat are laughing at me.........The cat seems to show up precisely just before the bat swoops in from the dining room, and tries to trip me up while I swing wildly and pirouette across the living room turning the air around me blue with language I haven’t used since night shift loading dock........

The cat’s on borrowed time..........My next move is the shotgun,....and the cat don’t know it has .....two barrels........
It's looking for your belfry.
Please upload to YouTube.
You’ll be an ‘overnight’ sensation!
Prolly make the evening news.

update;............The little flying mammal is ...gone.....Rest In Pieces.......

Everything back to Normal,..........except the cat's tail is a little shorter and he runs with a definate limp......

Raining today,....so I'll break out the spackling,...and a little Clorox.....

Later on,...we'll go shopping for a new TV set.......
update;............The little flying mammal is ...gone.....Rest In Pieces.......

Everything back to Normal,..........except the cat's tail is a little shorter and he runs with a definate limp......

Raining today,....so I'll break out the spackling,...and a little Clorox.....

Later on,...we'll go shopping for a new TV set.......

Sounds similar to burning the ship to get rid of rats. I solved part of the squirrel problem, (they were trying to get in the house) with a pellet rifle. I can't fire a shotgun in all directions because of houses in the vicinity. The Gamo Whisper is quiet & nobody knows when squirrels fall.

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