Our fast city truck is an old Sterling 66mph rode like a friggin' Haywagon! The high beams would pop on and off all night long even after the switch was replaced twice. Ran it through Connecticut to 408 off and on for 6 years. Lost the cruise every 3 weeks. I picked up more boyfriends along rest areas with them high beams going Disco on me than I care to remember! Still have nightmares of some of the BMW's pulling up beside me with the dome light on! Not to mention some of Ct's finest with someone pulled over in the breakdown lane and I'm flashing my beams off and on at him. They only grabbed me once on 395 and I told him the story and he bought it! I guess who heads into a Trooper flashing their lights? City sucks but I get 8 hours sleep every day. Always look for the good in what ya do or what ya "have" to do!
Oh, Good Grief!...You should be able to file a Grievance for Pain, Suffering, and Emotional Trauma.........
Sounds like you've got Larry, Daryll, and Daryll working on your fleet maintenance up there.
Not that it was any better at the big breakbulks........We had a tractor blowing gallons of oil out the breather tube,.....an International city unit doing a lot of inadvertent road work........
Sent it to Dayton,.........and they sent it back after two weeks,........(..wait for it..).........with an OIL JUG ZIP-TIED TO THE BREATHER TUBE!...........To,...uhh,....catch the overflow.......
Got to post the pictures someday.........
Yeah,........The "Constipation State" is probably the last state I would be wanting to drive in flashing my lights,..........Seeing one of those BMW's pulling into Fairyland Pickle Park right behind you,.....would give me chronic shy-bladder disease......
Have to start carrying a gallon milk jug..........(..Don't forget to empty it right where the TM parks his car.......)(....and I hope it ain't a BMW...).....