New Penn | Ugly 1st Qrt loss .......................................

Allowed the owners to change unions? Something sounds off about that. Seems the actual members would've had to decertify and then join another and then you're saying the company decided? Not sure what label applies but socialism isn't it. Geez Louise, what's it called when giant companies acquire other ones and then it turns to crap and the employees who had no say so are pretty much forced to save it through wage givebacks? I don't know if that would be vampire capitalism but again it certainly wouldn't be socialism.
So I don't know, Puff! I left New Penn after after having to give up 15% wages and a week of vacation and they weren't funding the pension any longer. That was 11 years ago and I've let it go as far as animosity . But that last people I blame are my brothers of our union. We were never given a chance for input when Big R or Yellow decided to be greedy capitalists and that's not to say I feel anger toward capitalism. It needs better mechanisms to shield people from exploitation and ruination. .
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