FedEx Freight | United healthcare

FedEx is switching from Cigna to United Healthcare, I was wondering how bad this is going to suck???
Fedex has offered UHC for several years now. The plans available to you depends on where you live.

I have had UHC since they switched from Bluecross, and I haven't had any problems with them. Only thing that might suck for you is if your doctor isn't in UHC network.
Fedex has offered UHC for several years now. The plans available to you depends on where you live.

I have had UHC since they switched from Bluecross, and I haven't had any problems with them. Only thing that might suck for you is if your doctor isn't in UHC network.
United hasn’t been offered to us here until now and I’ve already started asking my doctors and they’re telling me that in April 2024 they’ll be dropping UHC so we’ll see 🙏
Once again, BCBS, UHC, Cigna, ect.
Doesn't matter whom the ins co is.

What matters is how good the plan is that FX pirchases.

Currently, the plan is as bad as it gets, that could still be called insurance.

A $7850 out of pocket for an individual is beyond insane. The ONLY time you'll make out, is if you have a catastrophic event.
Once again, BCBS, UHC, Cigna, ect.
Doesn't matter whom the ins co is.

What matters is how good the plan is that FX pirchases.

Currently, the plan is as bad as it gets, that could still be called insurance.

A $7850 out of pocket for an individual is beyond insane. The ONLY time you'll make out, is if you have a catastrophic event.

It's a 3200 out of pocket max for an individual.
You ain’t seen nothin yet. UHC is way worse than anything we’ve ever had. When we switched I had to find all new doctors because nobody wanted to deal with UHC.
Yeah my local news just posted something from the hospital coo and said they’re not going to renew their contract with them in April 2024 so I’ll need all new doctors 🤦🏻‍♂️
Once again, BCBS, UHC, Cigna, ect.
Doesn't matter whom the ins co is.

What matters is how good the plan is that FX pirchases.

Currently, the plan is as bad as it gets, that could still be called insurance.

A $7850 out of pocket for an individual is beyond insane. The ONLY time you'll make out, is if you have a catastrophic event.
Premiums are never included in out of pocket max. But sure, if you choose to look it at that way I guess you're right.
Not nitpicking just pointing out it costs more than what was posted. Really depends on what the weekly premium and deductible is. It's like saying my car insurance deductible is only $500. I won't mention the teenagers I'm covering though and 3 vehicles.
UHC is failing. The Government is penalizing them for a percentage of People abandoning Advantage Plans under UHC and returning to Original medicare and part D. They have immense profits last year at about 20 Billion minus all the claims incurred across the board. Ive had approximately 300,000 dollars worth of medical work done in the last 10 years with UHC paying the majority. I renewed with going back to Original Medicare just this morning Oct 15.

They asked why. (Dropping Part C entirely, dropping advantage everything)

My Dentists, Surgeons, Doctors see the UHC card at the counter in their office and simply hand it back to me. They wont take it because the UHC does not pay them enough. The US Govt has been with recent Laws passed have decided to not pay as much and reduce future payouts to all of my doctors. They simply throw up their hands and ask me for Cash. I ask for a discount if I can do the work with all cash outright now. 15 to 20% off the bill. Done.

They are going to endure a penalty from the Govt for me dropping Advantage everything.

What UHC does not know yet and hopefully wont learn is that theres a application for Original Medicare AB and D on my table from Wellcare. Their copays are lower and in some ways pay everything. Particularly doctors anywhere with zero in person copays and 30 dollars for specialists and thats it. Ambulance air and ground is capped at 275 flat per trip. I am a member of both so its free to me.

The last 30 months I had to get everything medical stopped. All the medicines stopped. All the doctors visits stopped. ESPECIALLY Preventative crap. That got stopped. UHC sends me letters signed by doctors I know nothing about paid for by UHC when they review my case. Which is not doing, they simply deny whatever because to agree and have UHC pay claims is not what these reviewers are hired to do. They are hired strictly to deny claims as much as possible.

UHC is on their way out. The problem is that they sit on tens of billions in assets and it will be extremely hard to fail over a long period of time.
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